Title: Michael Elaschuk (Salesforce) From Toronto
1Michael Elaschuk
Senior Account Executive Healthcare Life
Sciences, salesforce.com
2(No Transcript)
3Michael Elaschuk (Salesforce) is a great and
accomplished sales professional and sales
executive. His strong sense of work ethics and
his brilliant strategic approach has made him one
of the leading sales executives.
4Michael Elaschuk (Salesforce) earned his
bachelors degree in Economics from the York
University back in 2003 and also received a
bachelors degree in Labor Studies from York
Michael Elaschuk
Senior Account Executive
After graduating from reputed universities,
Michael Elaschuk (Salesforce) started his
professional career as a sales executive at
Synnex Corporation. Through his utmost
professionalism, he has offered tremendously
effective solutions to the companies.
6Michael Elaschuk (Salesforce) worked for Icon
Computing Solutions as well as a sales executive
for 2 years. After working at Icon computing
solutions for 2 years, he contributed at American
Express and worked as a sales executive and
account manager.
7Owing to his high-quality services, Michael
Elaschuk got a chance to work with Salesforce as
an account executive too and is accredited for
his services as the account manager.
8He is well-known for his effective consultancy
and provides consulting in the fields of
leadership, accounting, business development etc.
Reading, traveling, and playing golf are also a
part of his interests.
Find out more about him at his official site