Title: Jagannath Rath Yatra 2018 Niladri Bije
1 Rgyan introduces Jagannath Rath Yatra 2018
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4 - Among all the rituals of Jagannath Rath Yatra of
Puri, the most interesting one seems to be
Niladri Bije. In the year 2018, it falls on 14
July. Niladri suggests Lord Jagannath and
Bije means to enter. This is really interesting
as it is all about the continuation of the fight
between Lord Jagannath and Goddess Laxmi.
5 - Lord Balabhadra and Subhadra enter the temple
after they return from the vacation but Lord
Jagannath is not allowed to enter the puri
jagannath mandir. A fight happens between Lord
Jagannath and Laxmi in front of the temple for a
puri mandir. Goddess Laxmi was angry on him as he
had not taken her along for the vacation to his
aunts place. He had also closed the door when
the Goddess had come to meet him.
6 The angry Laxmi didnt want him to enter the Puri
temple as he had disrespected her. Even after a
lot of request, Lord Jagannath was not allowed to
enter the puri jagannath Mandir (Puri temple)
7 - It was only after he offered Rasgullas an Oriya
sweet made of curd cheese to Goddess Laxmi, she
calmed down. She then accepted his apology and
allowed him to enter the Puri temple. - Here ends the enormous car festival of the Gods-
Jagannath Rath Yatra. The Jagannath Rath Yatra at
Puri Temple is a significant event in the entire
state that is witnessed by numerous tourists both
foreigners and Indians in Puri temple (puri
jagannath Mandir).
8 - During the Jagannath Rath Yatra, Puri is colored
in the most vivid hues of sheer, joy enjoyment
and is flocked with devotees who wish to pay
their honour to the deities and seek their
blessings. - It is said that, one should surely visit Puri
temple (puri jagannath Mandir) once in lifetime
to spot Jagannath Rath Yatra. Why not this year?
If planning to go in 2018, take cheap flights and
book an exotic puri hotel for you and your
family, without wasting a minute though and get
updated with rgyan for the route information.
Rgyan has recently introduces itineraries set
(Free of Cost) for your better journey.
9 Rgyan provides an exclusive set of customized
routes for important festival places and other
cultural vicinity, free of cost. Click here to
Get Free Enquiry towards the most sacred temple
Jagannath Puri Mandir.
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