Title: How font influences people in Social Media interaction & engagement
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2How font influences people in Social Media
interaction engagement
3How font influences people in Social Media
interaction engagement
The art of arranging type, to make the content
readable and appealing, is called Typography. The
key elements of typography involve Line length,
Line spacing and Kerning (spacing between
individual characters), besides Typeface and
Fonts. The major difference between typeface and
fonts is, Typeface Family of fonts with similar
features. Fonts A particular typeface with a
specific size, style and depth. Content are made
to engage readers. Fonts helps them do just that.
Fonts can influence readers moods and impact
their decisions. Particular fonts are chosen
intentionally, to motivate readers, to drive them
to take decisions and influence them to share
their experience. By adopting a few creative
ways, fonts can be enhanced effectively to engage
your audience efficiently.
4Matching font style to your brand
Fonts have qualities unique to every one of its
appearance. It is essential that the font you
choose exude the spirit of your brand. For
instance, a cosmetics brand would use a font
style which radiates feminist, and a brand of
toiletries for men would use a geometrically
shaped font, that exudes masculinity. The font
you choose should reflect your brands
5Readability The font choice determines its
readability. Especially so in social media, where
the attention span of your reader is determined
by external criteria. Unnecessary styles or
illegible fonts would cause strain in the eyes of
your readers and make it hard for them to read
your content. Clear, legible fonts with
appropriate punctuations will make reading
easy. Pairing fonts Different kinds of fonts
can be paired together to emphasize on an idea.
Colours and background complement this
strategy. Contrast font colours against its
background to enhance legibility. Using a lighter
background and a darker fonts will reduce the
strain on the eyes and is a better
option. Mobile-friendly sizes of your choice of
fonts will help its readability, as mobile
devices allow images to expand only to a certain
6Social media platforms have their individual
specifications of image size. Conforming to it
would reduce the risk of words being cropped.
Hence, typography should suit the norms of that
particular social media platform it is used
on. The norms of the social media platform you
choose to market in, should be complied with
effectively. For instance, Facebook insists that
the text in images be less than 20 of the
image. Typography can decide the reachability of
your content. It communicates the thought
expressed in your content. When done right, it
makes your customer engagement very effective.
Match the platform with your style of expression
and effect a successful engagement. Visit _at_