Title: ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education / acc546paper.com
1ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
2ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 All Assignments FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc546paper.com Please check All
Included Assignments Below ACC 546 Individual
Assignment Evaluating the Case Against Lehman
Brothers ACC 546 Case 3.3 The Anonymous Caller
ACC 546 Assignment Burlington Bees ACC 546 Week 1
Assignment Avoiding Bias Paper ACC 546 Individual
Assignment 1.1
3ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Assignment Burlington Bees FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com 1
Research auditing professional standards and list
the requirements related to developing an
expectation and conducting analytical procedures
when those procedures are intended to provide
substantive evidence. What are the advantages of
developing an expectation at a detailed level
(i.e., using disaggregated data) rather than at
an overall or aggregated level?
4ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 2.2 Apple Inc. FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc546paper.com CASE 2.2 Apple
Inc. Evaluation of Client Business Risk After
completing and discussing this case you should be
able to 1 Describe the implications of an audit
clients business risk on the audit engagement
2 Describe the types of information relevant to
evaluate an audit clients business risk 3
Identify and evaluate the factors important in
assessing an audit clients business risk and
risk of material financial misstatement
5ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 3.3 The Anonymous Caller FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Case 3.3
The Anonymous Caller, p. 63-65 1 Do you think
situations like this (i.e., aggressive accounting
or even financial statement fraud) are common in
practice? 2 Which financial statement assertion
related to sales transactions did management
violate when it issued the falsified financial
6ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 4.1 Enron Corporation Andersen,
LLP FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com
1)What were the business risks Enron faced,
and how did those risks increase the likelihood
of material misstatement in Enrons financial
statements? 2) In your own words, summarize how
Enron used SPEs to hide large amounts of company
debt (a) What are the responsibilities of a
companys board of directors?
7ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 5.1 Simply Steam, Co. FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Commitment
to Integrity and Ethical Values Board of
Directors Demonstrates Independence and
Appropriate Oversight Managements Philosophy and
Operating Style Management Establishes Structure
and Reporting Lines to Achieve Objectives
8ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 7.1 Anne Aylor, Inc FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com ACC 546
Case 7.1 Anne Aylor, Inc. a Why are different
materiality bases considered when determining
planning materiality? b Why are different
materiality thresholds relevant for different
audit engagements? c Why is the materiality
base that results in the smallest threshold
generally used for planning purposes?
9ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 CASE 9.1 Wallys Billboard Sign Supply
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com CASE
9.1 Wallys Billboard Sign Supply After
completing the audit program, answer the
following questions 1 Why is the audit of cash
an important part of the audit? 2 Bill
performed tests of controls for all transaction
cycles with good results.
10ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 9.3 Longeta Corporation FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Case 9.3
Longeta Corporation overs auditing revenue
contracts. You want to be thoroughly prepared for
the meeting with the audit manager. Perform the
following procedures to be certain you have all
necessary information about the transactions
11ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 9.4 Bud's Big Blue Manufacturing
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com
Case 9.4 Bud's Big Blue Manufacturing covers
accounts receivable confirmations REQUIRED 1
List the four factors auditors should consider
when evaluating the results of confirmation
procedures. Also, what are three of the
characteristics of a reliable confirmation? (For
this and other questions, you may wish to refer
relevant auditing standards).
12ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 9.7 RedPack Beer Company FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Case 9.7
RedPack Beer Company covers estimating allowance
for bad debt 2 Following your analysis of the
information in Schedules A-D, assume that you met
with RedPacks Credit Manager, Katie Henson, to
ask her a number of questions related to specific
customer accounts in the Accounts Receivable Aged
Trial Balance.
13ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 10.4 and 10.5 Southeast Shoe
Distributor, Inc (Score 100) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc546paper.com Week 5 Team
Assignment Case 10.4 and 10.5 Southeast Shoe
Distributor, Inc. 10.4 2 Complete steps 1a-i
from the audit program E 1-1 3 Complete step 4a
from the audit program E 1-1 10.5 1 Complete
audit procedure 3a listed on audit program E 2.
2 Document your adjusting entries for any
observed misstatements that you propose on
schedule E 11. Then update the accounts payable
lead schedule on audit schedule E 10
14ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 11.1 The Runners Shop FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Week 6
Team Assignment, 1 Instructions Review case 11.1
The Runners Shop p.379-391. CASE 11.1 The Runners
Shop Briefly answer, required questions related
to this case 1-3 with approximately 30 to 45
words. REQUIRED 1 Describe the purposes of
audit documentation and explain why each purpose
is important.
15ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 12.1 EyeMax Corporation FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Case 12.1
EyeMax Corporation evaluating audit differences
Assume that you are the auditor responsible for
the EyeMax audit. It is now March 30, and all
planned fieldwork has been completed. Recall that
total financial statement materiality has been
set at 625,000.
16ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 12.2 Auto Parts. Inc FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com Case 12.2
Auto Parts. Inc. materiality and evaluating
accounting policies and footnote disclosures 1
Describe whether you agree that capitalization of
the tooling supplies is the preferable method of
accounting for Auto Parts, Inc.
17ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Case 12.4 Surfer Dude Duds, Inc FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com ACC
546 Case 12.4 Surfer Dude Duds, Inc 1 What are
Scotts options? 2 How might a going-concern
explanatory paragraph become a self-fulfilling
prophecy for Surfer Dude? 3 Discuss the
importance of full and accurate auditor reporting
to the public, and describe possible consequences
for both parties if the going-concern explanatory
paragraph and footnote are excluded.
18ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Individual Assignment 1.1 Ocean
Manufacturing, Inc FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc546paper.com 2. What
nonfinancial matters should be considered before
accepting Ocean as a client? How important are
these issues to the client acceptance decision?
19ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Individual Assignment Case 5.3 Red Bluff
Inn Café FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546pa
per.com 1 What are your two biggest
concerns relating to possible fraud for the café
part of the business? For each concern, generate
two or three controls that could effectively
reduce risk related to your concerns. Use common
sense and be creative! 2 What are your two
biggest concerns relating to possible fraud for
the motel part of the business?
20ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Individual Assignment Case 5.6 Sarbox
VISIT www.acc546paper.com Part A 1.
According to AS5 a) What should the auditor
consider when determining whether an account
should be considered significant? b) What
qualitative factors might cause an account that
is otherwise relatively small quantitatively to
be considered significant?
21ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Individual Assignment Evaluating the Case
Against Lehman Brothers FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc546paper.com ACC 546
Individual Assignment Evaluating the Case Against
Lehman Brothers The Case Against Lehman
Brothers. Write a 750- to 1,050-word evaluation.
Analyze and then summarize the responsibilities
and failings of the firm, the firms accountants,
and government regulators.
22ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Laramie Wire Manufacturing Assignment
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com
ACC 546 Laramie Wire Manufacturing Assignment
23ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /
ACC 546 Week 1 Assignment Avoiding Bias Paper
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc546paper.com
Avoiding Bias Paper - Assessment Activity - Week1
- ACC/546 - eCampus Read the pages 1-9 section of
Professional Judgment and distinguish the four
tendencies toward professional judgment bias
1. Availability Tendency
24ACC 546 PAPER Principal Education /