Title: What is Bulk SMS and How it Works
1What is
A collection of inputs from advertising
Compiled by www.smsmenow.in
2According to Wikipedia...
Bulk messaging is the dissemination of large
numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile
phone terminals. It is used by media
companies, enterprises, banks and consumer brands
for a variety of purposes including entertainment
, enterprise and mobile marketing.
3Common Use..
Bulk messaging is commonly used for alerts,
reminders, marketing but also for information
and communication between both staff and
4Used through API
APIs allow developers to integrate functionality
of sending instant notification into their
systems. It can be integrated in various
languages like HTTP, XML, PYTHON, C, VB6, iOS
5Latest Feature of File Attachments
Some of the Bulk SMS Vendors ike smsmenow.in
allow you Include File Attachments in Your SMS
Campaigns. It allows you to easily share your
menus, brochures, spreadsheets, PDFs and Videos
with customers and track clicks with analytics
like Open Time and Date and City of Opening the
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about Bulk SMS.. We will be happy to answer.
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