Title: Best MBA College in Modi Nagar
1Best MBA College in Modi Nagar
- By KN Modi Foundation
- https//www.knmiet.edu/
2Top MBA College in Modi Nagar
On hearing about best and Top MBA College in Modi
Nagar, Meerut, the first name which comes to the
mind is Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Engineering
Technology. With its esteemed educational
facilities and innovative teaching patterns, the
institute is emerging as the best University in
state of Uttar Pradesh. It is only university
which has come up with the innovative training
session program named Edge for Industry
Readiness. Edge for Industry Readiness is a
special training program which is started by the
college within the campus to deliver systematic
inputs among students both soft skills and
technical which will help the student to set
their skills according to industrial
expectations.  It is to be noted that for a MBA
professional practical knowledge is more crucial
than theatrical study.
3(No Transcript)
4K.N. Modi Foundation focuses on not imparting the
education among students but also making them
technically and mentally strong. The real
industrial world is full of competition and
getting a job is not as easy as walking on roses.
 For many universities, making the students fit
for job completes the responsibility of teachers
and mentors. But, KNMIET knows what necessities
they should fulfil while promising the bright
future to their valuable students. Thus, more
than 240 companies come to the college every year
to provide the placement to the students. Imagine
you have a job in your hand before stepping out
of college. K.N. Modi Foundation focuses on not
imparting the education among students but also
making them technically and mentally strong. The
real industrial world is full of competition and
getting a job is not as easy as walking on roses.
 For many universities, making the students fit
for job completes the responsibility of teachers
and mentors. But, KNMIET knows what necessities
they should fulfil while promising the bright
future to their valuable students. Thus, more
than 240 companies come to the college every year
to provide the placement to the students. Imagine
you have a job in your hand before stepping out
of college.
5(No Transcript)
6MBA College in Meerut
To become a successful MBA, education not only
plays the key role. There are certain aspects
which MBA graduate should possess. KNMIET makes
sure that they teach their students the lesson of
social responsibility and ethical values which
will not only help them in work place but also in
life. On regular intervals, many projects and
training sessions were conducted so that students
can get the exposure of working in cooperate
sector. Also, such project helps to harness their
abilities and make them learn from their
mistakes. CareerIndia.com listed the KNMIET in
top 2 for best MBA College in Meerut. Since its
inception in 1995, the college is serving the
best in industry and getting the recognition not
only in state of Uttar Pradesh but globally. Many
students after pursing MBA from KNMIET are making
their career in top companies throughout the
world. Its the leadership quality of students
which they posses in college help them to climb
the ladder of success smoothly. Dont just listen
to words go and check out yourself the review of
students who passed out from college and living a
wonderful career.
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8K.N. Modi Foundation
According to the modern study standards, K.N.
Modi group of foundation is providing all the new
age facilities from modern infrastructure to
Digital classrooms with new age technologies like
LCD, multimedia projector, smart board, NPTEL
video courses, software, web-based animation,
etc. KNMIET wants to remove all the barriers of
boredom, lack of innovation and technology for
their students. Thus, they build an environment
of unique education methodology. Many students
while studying in private university are worried
about the affiliation of their course. The
college is affiliated to Mahamaya Technical
University and admission in the course is made
through counseling which is conducted by Uttar
Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow or directly
at institution level.
9Contact Us
Dr. K. N. Modi Institute of Engineering
Technology Kapda Mill opposite SBI Main
Branch, Modinagar-201204 (UP) INDIA Mob 91-976
1662662 Web https//www.knmiet.edu/