Title: Liposuktion und Bauchstraffung Berlin (1)
1Stunning You - Plastic surgery surgery in the
heart of Berlin - our principle is to provide
you with the best and most advanced treatment
methods and to achieve impressive, first-class
results. By constantly improving our techniques
and methods, we can treat you according to the
latest medical advances.
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3Do you need for Facial tightening and neck
tightening Berlin (Gesichtsstraffung und
Halsstraffung Berlin)? Many people neglect the
look of their necks. How we look is very much
influenced by our necks and this should not be
taken for granted. The neck is one of the first
places where the signs of age actually show
themselves. Damage caused by the sun or extreme
weight changes can also make your skin look
loose, flabby and aged on a person's neck.
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5Searching for Intim Surgery Belrin
(Intimchirurgie Belrin)? Labiaplasty Often
confused with vaginoplasty, labiaplasty refers
to the cosmetic reduction of the size of the
external labia minora and/or vulva. Typically
performed to achieve more visually attractive
genitalia, labiaplasty can also provide
functional improvements to the genital area.
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7Looking for Liposuction and abdominoplasty Berlin
(Liposuktion und Bauchstraffung Berlin)? Many of
Dr. med. univ. Akhundov's patients in Berlin are
opting for lipoabdominal plastic surgery that
combines liposuction and abdominal plastic
surgery for the best possible results. If you
are a good candidate for this surgery, Dr. med.
med. univ. Akhundov is sure to perform a
liposuction of the upper abdomen and the flanks
as well as the upper hips during the tummy
tucking operation.
8Business E-mail info_at_stunning-you.com Website
Address Gertraudenstrasse 18, 10178 Berlin,
Mobile no 4930 92123893, 49 1727545411