Title: HCS 380 help Making Decisions/newtonhelp.com
1HCS 380 help Making Decisions/newtonhelp.com
2HCS 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment Reference
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- Reference Chart
- Instructions
- Create a chart detailing the three different
forms of business - organizations (proprietorships, partnerships, and
corporations). Also - include key users of financial information and
briefly explain their roles.
3HCS 380 Week 1 WileyPLUS (Ex 1-15, Ex Problem
1-3A, Ex 2-1, Ex 2-5, Problem 2-3A)
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- This Tutorial contains Excel Sheet which can be
used to solve below mentioned Problem for any
numbers/values -
- Complete the assigned exercises in WileyPLUS.
- Excel Exercise 1-15
- Excel Problem 1-3A
4HCS 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Financial
Statement Components (2 PPT)
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- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 PPT
- HCS 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Financial
Statement Components -
- Financial Statement Components
- Instructions
- Your team has been asked by a local community
college instructor to - speak to a class about health care accounting.
The instructor has asked
5HCS 380 Week 2 WileyPLUS Excel Assignment (Ex
4-12, Ex 4-13, Ex 4-16, Ex P4-1A)
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- Complete the assigned exercises in WileyPLUS.
- You should see the following assignments that are
due for a grade -
- Chapter 4 - Excel assignment
- NOTE Assignment must be completed by Due Date.
Automatic deduction of 50 of points if received
after due date. No points awarded if completed
after 4 days from Due Date.
6HCS 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment Accounting
Comparison (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- HCS 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment Accounting
Comparison -
- Accounting Comparison
- Instructions
- Create a diagram comparing accrual and cash
accounting. Also include - a 350- to 700-word summary of the differentiation
and uses of the two.
7HCS 380 Week 3 WileyPLUS Ex 13-9, Ex 13-13
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- This Tutorial contains Excel Sheet which can be
used to solve below mentioned Problem for any
numbers/values -
- Complete the assigned exercises in WileyPLUS.
- Exercise 13-9
- Exercise 13-13
- Exercise 13-9
- http//edugen.wiley.com/edugen/art2/common/pixel.g
if -
8HCS 380 Week 4 Individual Signature Assignment
Financial Statement (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Signature Assignment Financial Statement
- Instructions
- The community college instructor has asked for
your help again. This - time, he has asked for you to personally create a
document he could - give to his students.
9HCS 380 Week 4 WileyPlus Ex 7-8, Ex7-14
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- This Tutorial contains Excel Sheet which can be
used to solve below mentioned Problem for any
numbers/values -
- Complete the assigned exercises in WileyPLUS.
- Chapter 7 - Excel Assignment (E7-8)
- Chapter 7 - Excel Assignment (E7-14 Cash Budget)
- Exercise 7-8
10HCS 380 Week 5 Individual Signature Assignment
Cash Control (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Signature Assignment Cash Control
- Instructions
- Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you
- Explain the principles of internal control.
- Explain the use of cash and internal controls
to prevent fraud.
11HCS 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Business Proposal
(2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- HCS 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Business Proposal
- Business Proposal
- Instructions
- For this assignment, you will use the
consolidated financial statements
12HCS 380 Week 5 WileyPLUS Ex 10-8A, Ex 10-8B, Ex
10-10A, Problem 11-2A, 11-7A
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- This Tutorial contains Excel Sheet which can be
used to solve All Wiley Problem for any
numbers/values -
- Complete the assigned exercises in WileyPLUS
- Excel Problem 10-8A
- Excel Problem 10-8B
13HCS 380 Wileyplus Exercise 13 9 (Solution with
Excel file)
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- Just enter the value and get the answer, this
excel file will work for any value -
- Kinder Company has these comparative balance
sheet data -
- Balance Sheets
- December 31
14HCS 380 Wileyplus Exercise 13 13 (Solution with
Excel file)
- For more course tutorials visit
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- www.newtonhelp.com
- Just enter the value and get the answer, this
excel file will work for any value -
- The condensed financial statements of Elliott
Company for the years 2013 and 2014 are presented
below. -
- Balance Sheets
15HCS 380 help Making Decisions/newtonhelp.com