Title: UNV 504 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
1UNV 504 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
2UNV 504 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
UNV 504 Week 1 Assignment 1 For more classes
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Assignment 1 Class Wall Biography Details Parti
cipating and getting to know other students in
your class is important in order to create the
online community at GCU. The Class Wall is a
place for students to network and get to now one
another. Your first post to the Class Wall will
be a
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UNV 504 Week 1 Assignment 2 For more classes
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Assignment 2 Time Monitoring Worksheet Details
This assignment will help you develop an
important skill for college and everyday life
time management. For
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UNV 504 Week 1 Discussion 1 For more classes
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Discussion 1 Topic 1 reviews some of the major
differences between undergraduate and graduate
studies. How do you think
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UNV 504 Week 1 Discussion 2 For more classes
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Discussion 2 This topic discussed the
importance of communication. One of the goals of
GCU is to help you to effectively communicate
throughout your life. Access and review the
Communication Tool. Why is it important to
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UNV 504 Week 1 Discussion 3 For more classes
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Discussion 3 Read the GCU Doctrinal Statement,
Four Pillars, and Christian Worldview at the
following links GCU Doctrinal Statement.gcu.edu/
du/About-Us/Doctrinal-Statement.php Christian
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UNV 504 Week 2 Assignment 1 For more classes
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Assignment 1 APA Activities Details Complete
APA Activities 1 and APA Activities 2 by the
end of Topic 2. Upload to the appropriate drop
box by the end of Topic 2.
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UNV 504 Week 2 Assignment 2 For more classes
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Assignment 2 Article Summary Details Refer to
Are Writing Deficiencies Creating a Lost
Generation of Business Writers? Write a
250-500-word summary of the article.
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UNV 504 Week 2 Discussion 1 For more classes
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Discussion 1 Find a scholarly article in the
GCU Library. Copy an excerpt from the article
that is at least 4-5 sentences long. Post the
excerpt as your initial Discussion Forum post
with your paraphrase of this excerpt directly
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UNV 504 Week 2 Discussion 2 For more classes
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Discussion 2 Why is it important to critically
analyze sources? Why are scholarly sources more
appropriate for academic
11UNV 504 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
UNV 504 Week 2 Discussion 3 For more classes
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Discussion 3 Read the Academic Integrity
Scenarios at.gcu.edu/Academics/Academic-Integrity
y-Scenarios.php. As you
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UNV 504 Week 3 Assignment 1 For more classes
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Assignment 1 Excel Worksheet Details Refer
to Excel Worksheet Instructions to complete the
Excel Worksheet assignment. You are not
required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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UNV 504 Week 3 Discussion 1 For more classes
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Discussion 1 Colleen Barrett is the former
president of Southwest Airlines. She is a
proponent of servant leadership and provides a
case study of servant leadership in Southwest
Airlines Colleen Barrett on Servant Leadership
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UNV 504 Week 3 Discussion 2 For more classes
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Discussion 2 Dr. Clayton Christensen is a
Harvard Business School professor, cancer
survivor, man of faith, and expert on innovation.
As a servant leader, he challenges his students
to take a serious look at their lives,
relationships, and priorities.
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UNV 504 Week 3 Discussion 3 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com UNV 504 Week 3
Discussion 3 Microsoft Excel is a common
learning tool in graduate courses. Refer to
Excel Tutorial Links. If you are unfamiliar
with an Excel task, select the corresponding
Excel concept video. Learn something new about
16UNV 504 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
UNV 504 Week 4 Discussion 1 For more classes
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Discussion 1 After reading Disruptive
Innovation in Health Care Delivery A Framework
For Business-Model Innovation,
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UNV 504 Week 4 Discussion 2 For more classes
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Discussion 2 Refer to Entrepreneurship Versus
Intrapreneurship and answer the following
questions. What is entrepreneurship? In what ways
are entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
similar? In what ways are they
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UNV 504 Week 4 Discussion 3 For more classes
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Discussion 3 After reflecting on what you have
learned in this course, write a post (250-500
words) in which you address the following
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