Title: PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
1PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
2PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 1 Assignment Understanding Public
Policy For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om Understanding Public Policy. In a three to
four page APA paper (not including cover and
reference pages), address the following Assess
the importance of policy analysis during the
development and implementation stages of public
policy.Discuss the social impact of policies.
3PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 1 DQ 1 Policy Analysis For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Policy
Analysis. Discuss this topic identified in your
readings. Dye (2010) argued Policy analysis is
finding out what governments do, why they do it,
and what difference, if any, it makes (p. 4).
Discuss what policy makers can learn from policy
analysis. Provide at least two examples to
support your argument. Respond to at least two of
your fellow students postings
4PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 1 DQ 2 Public Policy For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Public
Policy. Discuss this topic identified in your
readings. Dye (2010) argued Understanding public
policy is both an art and a craft (p. 8).
Explain how policy makers can perfect their craft
for the betterment of society. Respond to at
least two of your fellow students postings
5PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 2 Assignment Public Policy Paper
Proposal For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Public Policy Paper Proposal. Review the
Final Assignment in Week Six of the course and
then, develop a two-page, APA-style paper (not
including cover and reference pages) in which you
propose the topic and major elements defining
your final Public Policy paper. This is your
chance to get you topic approved by your
instructor. Your Public Policy Proposal paper
will be written in four parts Identification and
explanation of the topic including a problem
statementThe explanation of the research
process that is, how will the research be
6PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 2 DQ 1 Federalism and the
Individual For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Federalism and the Individual. How does
federalism affect policydevelopment? How then
does policy development affect the rights of the
individual? What is the overall effect? Why
should we be concerned? Provide at least two
examples to support your argument. Respond to at
least two of your fellow students posts.
7PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 2 DQ 2 Public Policy and Opinion
Polls For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m Public Policy and Opinion Polls. It is
difficult to assess the independent effect of
public opinions on shaping public policy. Public
policy often differs from national opinion polls,
and the Constitution contains no provision for
national referenda on policy issues. The public
does not have opinions on many policy questions,
public opinion is unstable, and decision makers
can easily
8PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 3 Assignment Public Policy Analysis
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Public Policy Analysis. In a three to four page
APA paper (not including cover and reference
pages), create a public policy to address an
issue you consider important. Construct the
details of the policy utilizing one of the models
listed below. Discuss the rationale of the policy
and how your model will assist policy makers in
their decision making and implementation
processes. Evaluate your model utilizing the
general criteria provided in the text. You are
required to use at least two outside resources to
support your position.
9PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 3 DQ 1 Pragmatism For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Pragmatism. Anderson
(1988) argued Pragmatism, properly understood,
is neither a technique of neutral problem solving
10PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 3 DQ 2 Keynesian Theory For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Keynesian
Theory. Keynesian economic theory recommends
government manipulation of aggregated demand by
rising spending, lowering taxes, and incurring
debt during recession and pursuing the opposite
policies during inflations. Discuss the pros and
cons associated with the Keynesian theory and how
policy makers can improve upon the theory.
Respond to at least two of your fellow students
11PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 4 Assignment Civil Rights For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Civil
Rights. Develop a three to five page APA style
paper (not including cover and reference pages)
in which you research and discuss one of the
major civil rights initiatives of the last
century. The focus ofyour paper should be on the
initiatives impact on current and future public
policies. How have these initiatives and policies
affected the average American citizen?
12PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 4 DQ 1 Domestic Climate Policy For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Domestic Climate Policy. Discuss how policy
makers can incorporate the Domestic Climate
Policy Framework into a widely accepted
environmental policy. Provide examples. Respond
to at least two of your fellow students postings.
13PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 4 DQ 2 Immigration Policy For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Immigration
Policy. Dye (2010) argues that the success of
immigration reform in the United States have has
been partially successful. Do you agree with this
assessment? What considerations do policy makers
need to keep in mind when developing an
immigration policy? Provide examples. Respond to
at least two of your fellow students postings
14PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 5 DQ 1 Federalism For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Federalism. Dye
(2010) Federalism often creates confusion over
which lever of government has the responsibility
of handling crises. Discuss the issues
associated with federalism and what local, state,
and federal policy makers need to consider when
developing emergency response policies? Respond
to at least two of your fellow students postings.
15PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 5 DQ 2 Public Policy Lifecycle For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Public
Policy Lifecycle. Explain the Public Policy
Lifecycle utilizing a public policy you have
become familiar with. Discuss how the importance
of developing a viable Policy Adoption and what
policy makers need to consider when adopting new,
or amending existing, policies. Respond to at
least two of your fellow students postings.
16PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 6 DQ 1 Public Policy Evaluation
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Public Policy Evaluation. Dye (2010) stated
Policies that solve the problems of one group in
society may create problems for other groups.
Present one policy specifically targeted towards
one group in society that created issues for
other groups. Respond to at least two of your
fellow students postings.
17PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com
PPA 699 Week 6 DQ 2 Policy Rules For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Policy
Rules. Hallar Gerrie (2007) argued that
Decisions must be made and not postponed until
absolute scientific consensus has been reached,
and thus, scientific input to contentious policy
debates must be solicited in the here and now.
(p. 143). Discuss how public policy makers can
incorporate scientific input into their strategy
to insure policies
18PPA 699 Possible is Everything/snaptutorial.com