Title: The Past, Present, and Future of Android Development -
1The Past, Present, and Future of Android
2Only a few years back were mobile phones came
into existence and now this gadget is well-
fitted in your pocket. During the initial period
of Mobile Phones, they were only used for call or
send a text message services to your family and
friend. But after the advent of Smartphone, the
method of using the mobile phone has been
transformed and these are now using for all your
necessary tasks at your fingertips. Now, Android
is clearly dominating the world of operating
systems, Its running on countless models of
Smartphone and tablet, as well as many other
3The Early Days of Mobile Apps
- When the mobile phone applications were initially
launched they were just featured which were
bundled up as a design, as the handheld devices
development became more advanced and
sophisticated, those mobiles were enabled with
such applications were able to handle few
features like games, Handy programs, Contact
Books and Text messaging etc. In the year 1990,
the start of new millennium mobile devices had
features with camera, calendar, and Internet
options as well
4The Present day of Mobile Apps -
- After the arrival of the Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) in mobile phone era and later more
advanced methods such as 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, and
Hotspot, were gifted to the users with an easy
access of the internet. Though, the mobile
internet is continuously improving with the much
better and faster speed. With these enhances,
Smartphone operators such as Apple and Android
has also set up their own stores in order to
please their customers with latest features if
they wish to add it. Know more about Android
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5The Future of Mobile Apps
- Due to the huge demand for Mobile apps, these
are taking a big leap and bound over the past few
years. This is a fact that many more people are
getting mobile devices like Smartphone and
tablets in the hope that the rise of Android will
continue for some while. When we look forward to
future mobile apps, the software developers
views are definitely in multi-format. Developers
are working on connecting mobile applications to
television and many other gaming consoles for the
advancement of the Mobile Apps - Learn Android Training In Chennai