Title: Wheatgrass India | Wheatgrass Powder Manufacturer
1Wheat Grass India Wheatgrass Powder Manufacturer
- https//www.wheatgrassindia.com/
2Welcome to Wheat Grass
Wheatgrass is Natures Gift to Mankind for
maintaining health wellness. Made from 7 days
old whole leaf organic Wheat Grass soil grown all
year round at our own farm in Indian tropical
climate. Hygienically processed at our HACCP and
GMP certified unit. Rich in beneficial nutrients
like chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, enzymes
dietary fiber. Sometimes Wheat Grass is spelt as
Vitgras, Vheatgress, Vitagrass, Wheatgrass, whet
grass, wheatgrass, etc. Wheat Grass can be
promoted or liked by followers of Ayurveda,
Ayurvedic products, Natural Medication,
Alternative therapy, Natural Remedy, Raw Food
Diet, Food Supplements, Natural Cures, Natural
Medicines, Nature Cure, Wellness Clinics, Herbal
medicine, Medicinal plant extract, etc.
3What Is Wheat Grass Powder
- Drinking the green juice of Wheatgrass for health
benefits is known since ancient times in
Naturopathy / Nature Cure, considered as a
'Naturopathic Medicine'. Popularized in the
1970's by Dr. Ann Wigmore (Boston, USA) and other
natural food pioneers, tray-grown Wheatgrass
become a familiar product in juice bars, health
food stores the homes of do-it-yourself juicers
worldwide. However, the limitations of its shelf
life, quality assurance, cost of transport, lack
of time, space, climatic conditions, etc are
some of the factors which promoted Wheatgrass
being developed into Powder form. - Wheat Grass Powder Naturopathy / Nature Cure
based health. - HACCP, Organic and GMP Certified Wheat Grass
Powder. - Convenient, economical more efficient than even
fresh Wheatgrass juice. - Water soluble green chlorophyll powder with many
beneficial nutrients concentrate.
4Health Benefits of Wheat Grass?
- Wheatgrass Powder is one product which has
multiple health wellness benefits such as - Helps strengthen immune system (body resistance).
- Helps in detoxification (purification) of blood.
- Alkaline food that helps balance blood pH towards
normal. - Helps increases Hemoglobin (RBC count) in blood.
- Help combat health problems like Anemia,
Thalassemia, Leukemia, Blood Cancers, Diabetes,
Obesity (Weight loss), Constipation, Acidity,
Piles (Hemorrhoids), Ulcers, Arthritis, etc.
5Why Wheat Grass
- Wheat grass is one such boon bestowed by Nature
on man to make him healthy. Wheatgrass is a part
of naturopathic medicine which can help to boost
healing process through its excellent mixture of
nutrients. Wheatgrass in Powder form is the most
convenient, economical and efficient way of
making its benefits readily available. - Besides this, there are several reasons why
wheatgrass is beneficial for all. - Here are some of the reasons
- It serves as one of the effective natural
remedies for diabetes. - Wheatgrass proves to be helpful for cancer
patients. Along with other treatments, it lessens
side effects of radiations and accelerates
recovery. That is why in the list of natural
remedies for cancer, wheatgrass comes in the top. - It provides natural cure for hemorrhoids and
other digestion related problems. - It increases red blood cells and a well-known and
tested natural cure for Anemia.
6Contact Us
GIRMES WHEATGRASS, Address 110, Raviraj CRU
Mall, Market Yard, Pune -
411037, State- Maharashtra,
INDIA. Contact Number 91-9822002042 Website
7Thank You