Title: How to Unwobble a Bicycle Rim
1How to Unwobble a Bicycle Rim
2Fixing a Lateral (Side to Side) Wobble
1. Flip bike upside down, or put the wobbly wheel
in a truing stand if you have one 2.Locate the
bend in the rim by noting where the wheel comes
nearer to the brakes. 3.Understand how spokes are
tightened and turned. 4.Grip the spokes around
your problem area and squeeze lightly, checking
for looseness 5.Note which side each spoke pulls
towards to find the ones causing your
wobble. 6.Tighten the spoke just below your
problem area with a half-turn of the
nipple. 7.Loosen the two spokes next to the one
you just tightened, using only quarter-turns 8.Spi
n the wheel and check the truing 9.Continue this
3-spoke adjustment process until the wobble is
gone. 10.Check for "flat spot" wobbles, or a bike
that is not "radially" true.
31. Flip bike upside down, or put the wobbly wheel
in a truing stand if you have one
42.Locate the bend in the rim by noting where the
wheel comes nearer to the brakes.
53.Understand how spokes are tightened and turned.
64.Grip the spokes around your problem area and
squeeze lightly, checking for looseness
75.Note which side each spoke pulls towards to
find the ones causing your wobble.
86.Tighten the spoke just below your problem area
with a half-turn of the nipple.
97.Loosen the two spokes next to the one you just
tightened, using only quarter-turns
108.Spin the wheel and check the truing
119.Continue this 3-spoke adjustment process until
the wobble is gone.
1210.Check for "flat spot" wobbles, or a bike that
is not "radially" true.