Title: Top 3 Link Building Myths
1 Welcome to www.itech47.com
2What Are The Top 3 Link Building Myths To Avoid?
Backlinks are pretty vital to any SEO strategy.
Even Google has confirmed that backlinks are the
top ranking factors and pages are unexpected to
rank without backlinks. Regardless of the
important role of links in search engine
optimization, year after year, we see hear
myths surrounding links and the acquirement of
links. Being a leading link building service in
Malaysia we often come across these myths. Lets
talk about what are some of the most common link
building myths that you must ignore.
3Link building is dead
How many times youve heard it? Probably so many
The truth is, links remain crucial to the online
business. They are as vital today as ever in
search, and the internet itself would be un
navigable without links. However, you need to
build genuine links that are appropriate to your
business and servethe right value to the
web. Some people are afraid of penalties, often
citing many black-hat building scams. Some even
decline link building, claiming this formula
simply does not work and going for Pay Per
Click. Let us tell you that building inferior
quality link is the main cause of the disaster.
If youre attempting to influence your way into
links better rankings, you will wish link
building was dead. So build up a good network of
link signals, and employ top-quality content that
provides enough value to be linked to by another
4Links on high PR sites matters the most
If you have zeroed in on high PR sites that you
would like to employ to improve your link
building campaign, carry on with care. Generally,
people are so overzealous regarding link building
on high PR sites that they fall short to pay
attention to the ranking of the actual pages
where their links are published. In fact, having
links on high PR websites is less valuable if
theyre added to dusty, dark, forgotten pages. No
doubt, it is always smart to target high PR
sites, but be certain to dig a bit deeper prior
to moving ahead. Also, keep in mind that an
organic link profile will incorporate links from
low medium PR sites also.
5Multiple links from the same domain are worthless
Acquiring links from as many different domains as
feasible is certainly desirable for any link
builder or webmaster. Getting a 2nd or 3rd link
from a domain that already has linked to you
maynt assist you as much as the 1st link did,
but it still passes the value in the same way
other links do. If Bloomberg.com was linking to
you manifold times from their site would you be
worried? Not at all! To avail SEO services in
Malaysia, contact iTech47 Technologies. Our
quality SEO services are not just helping you
rank high on search engines, but also enjoy
qualified leads. Call us now for a free
6Contact us for more Details iTech47 Sdn
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Malaysia Phone 60 12 662 1206 Email
sales_at_itech47.com https//www.itech47.com/contact.