Title: Efficient Shipping Solutions - Complete Shiping Solution
1Complete Shipping Solutions Efficient Shipping
2Our Story
- Albertas fastest growing logistics company
- Provides global freight and warehousing solutions
for clients of all sizes, in all industries - Proudly serve both the domestic and international
sectors - Help you with from the most basic to the most
complex shipping needs
3Why to choose us
- Were a logistics and warehousing company who has
a proven track record of saving their clients
money in an efficient and friendly manner. Well
get your business moving further. - We work very closely with small to mid size
businesses who do not have the in-house capacity
or expertise to handle shipping operations. - We prove warehouse service in Edmonton and
4Why to choose us
- Our customers often wear several hats within
their business and are looking to partner with
someone who they trust and count on to help with
their shipping needs. - We pride ourselves on not only helping to lower
costs and be more efficient, but also to build
long term and amazing relationships with all of
our clients.
You have inventory or product to store, but
limited space to put it in. You also find it hard
to keep track of inventory, and spend a lot of
time doing it. Our system is built to make the
process smooth and effortless for you.
6Contact us
Calgary Bay 225381-72 Avenue SECalgary, AB T2C
3C4 1855-733-7525
Edmonton 12759 - 149 StreetEdmonton, AlbertaT5L
4M9 (780) 733-7525
Email rates_at_completeshipping.ca Website