Title: PAD 520 Seek Your Dream /newtonhelp.com
1PAD 520 Seek Your Dream/newtonhelp.com
2PAD 520 Week 1 DQ 1 The Process of Analysis and
DQ 2 Critical Thinking
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- Week 1 discussion 1
- The Process of Analysis ? Diagrams and Trees
Please respond to the following - From the case study, Case 1.3, compare and
contrast the benefits of the influence diagram
and decision tree displayed
3PAD 520 Week 2 DQ 1 Developing Policy Arguments
and Debate and DQ 2 Policy Arguments
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- Week 2 Discussion 1
- Developing Policy Arguments and Debate Please
respond to the following - Develop a policy argument or claim that is
definitive, designative, evaluative, and
advocative, using one of these terms (a) crime,
(b) pollution, (c) terrorism, (d) quality of
life, (e) global warming, (f) fiscal crisis, (g)
human rights, and (h) unemployment.
4PAD 520 Week 3 Assignment 1 Argument Mapping (2
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- PAD 520 Week 3 Assignment 1 Argument Mapping,
- PAD 520 Week 3 Assignment 1 Argument
MappingAssignment 1 Argument Mapping - Due Week 3 and worth 150 points
5PAD 520 Week 3 DQ 1Policy-Making Process and DQ
2Analysis in Practice
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- Week 3
- Policy-Making Process Please respond to the
following - Take a position in support of one of the two
6PAD 520 Week 4 DQ 1Structuring the Problem and DQ
2Models and Structuring
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- Week 4 Discussion 1
- Structuring the Problem Please respond to the
following - Examine Box 3.0 Conducting a Stakeholder
Analysis. Choose one (1) policy issue in the U.S.
and generate a list of at least five (5)
stakeholders who affect or are affected by
problems in the issue area.
7PAD 520 Week 5 Assignment 2 Stakeholder Analaysis
(2 Papers)
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- PAD 520 Week 5 Assignment 2 Stakeholder
Analaysis, - Assignment 2 Stakeholder Analysis
- Due Week 5 and worth 150 points
- Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you
8PAD 520 Week 5 DQ 1Approaches to Forecasting
Policy Outcomes
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- Week 5 Discussion 1
- Approaches to Forecasting Policy Outcomes
Please respond to the following - Explain at least two ways institutional,
temporal, and historical contexts of forecasts
affect their accuracy.
9PAD 520 Week 6 DQ 1Prescribing Preferred Policies
and DQ 2Saving Lives by Prescribing Policies
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- Week 6 Discussion 1
- Prescribing Preferred Policies Please respond
to the following - Explain two of the six criteria for policy
prescription, (a) effectiveness, (b) efficiency,
(c) adequacy, (d) equity, (e) responsiveness, and
(f) appropriateness.
10PAD 520 Week 7 Assignment 3 Prescribing Policies
(2 Papers)
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- Assignment 3 Prescribing Policies
- Due Week 7 and worth 170 points
- Write five to six (5-6) page paper in which you
- (Note Refer to Review Question 8 located at the
end of Chapter 5 for criteria 1-3.)
11PAD 520 Week 7 DQ 1Monitoring Observed Policy
Outcomes and DQ 2Monitoring through
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- Week 7 Discussion 1
- Monitoring Observed Policy Outcomes Please
respond to the following - Discuss the relationship between ill-structured
problems and approaches to monitoring. Then,
describe a real or hypothetical problem and
recommend at least one effective way to monitor
the policy outcomes.
12PAD 520 Week 8 Assignment 4 Policy Outcomes (2
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- PAD 520 Week 8 Assignment 4 Policy Outcomes,
- Assignment 4 Policy Outcomes
- Due Week 8 and worth 110 points
- Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you
13PAD 520 Week 8 DQ 1Evaluating Policy Performance
and DQ 2Moral Judgment and Living Wage
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- Week 8 Discussion 1
- Evaluating Policy Performance Please respond
to the following - Compare and contrast methods of evaluation and
prescription in terms of time and the types of
claims produced by each. Provide examples to
support your response.
14PAD 520 Week 9 DQ 1Communicating Policy Analysis
and DQ 2Translating Policy Arguments
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- Week 9 Discussion 1
- Communicating Policy Analysis Please respond
to the following - Assume you are a candidate for a director of
communications for a major metropolitan county.
15PAD 520 Week 10 Assignment 5 Executive Summary (2
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- PAD 520 Week 10 Assignment 5 Executive Summary,
- Assignment 5 The Executive Summary
- Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
- PreparationPAD 520 Week 10 Assignment 5 Executive
Summary, -
- Assignment 5 The Executive Summary
- Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
- Preparation
16PAD 520 Week 10 DQ 1Planning Oral Briefings and
DQ 2White House Briefings
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- Week 10 Discussion 1
- Planning Oral Briefings Please respond to the
following - Assume the governor has asked you to present an
oral briefing on a controversial environmental
program to a board of commissioners of a major
county in the state.
17PAD 520 Week 11 DQ 1Process of Analysis and
Structuring Arguments and DQ 2Challenges
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- Week 11 Discussion 1
- Process of Analysis and Structuring Arguments
Please respond to the following - Discuss at least two benefits to structuring
arguments before and while developing written
18PAD 520 Seek Your Dream/newtonhelp.com