Title: Preschools & Playschool in Thiruvanmiyur - Adyar Daycare | Clay School
1Welcome to The Clay School
2What we are
- The greatest wonder of life isnt the
similarities that each newborn brings into this
world , but the uniqueness of each. The first and
foremost responsibility of a teacher is to
celebrate the individuality uniqueness of each
and every student that she encounters.
3This is the mantra that we had and still have in
mind , when the initiative of giving birth to
this Concept preschool happened on 3rd of
November ,2014. Just begun to crawl , still miles
to reach in the journey. Here , at The CLAY
School, each and every child is always
celebrated as unique individuals with
limitless potential , irrespective of the
differences. We strongly believe that the first
five years of a child , called The Formative
Years of Childhood , are not only wonderful but
also crucially important for the child
4Our DNA
- Even though the curriculum is age appropriate ,
we are not here just to teach ABCs and 123s from
the textbooks. Anyone can create a genius. But we
aim at moulding , self-confident , independent ,
well-mannered and passionate learners , who in
future would turn out to be socially responsible
citizens as well.
6(No Transcript)
7Reach Us
No 7, 3rd main Road,Kamaraj Nagar,Thiruvanmiyur
, Chennai 91 8939093030 theclayschoolthiruvanmi
School Hours
Monday to Friday9.30AM TO 12PMWeekend Closed.
8please let me know if you need anything else
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