Title: Semi Permanent Makeup Dubai
1Welcome to Exclusive Aesthetic
2Expert Semi Permanent Makeup
Candice Watson of Exclusive Aesthetic, Dubai UAE
is one of the best Micropigmentation Specialists
currently offering Semi Permanent Makeup
treatments to the highest level. You can get
amazing results that are always perfect and last
for 2 - 3 years.
3Medical Micropigmentation Treatments
- At Exclusive Aesthetic, Candice Watson performs
medical micropigmentation treatments to the
highest level. Candice has many years of
experience performing medical micropigmentation
procedures including Tattoo Removal, Scar
Removal, Vitiligo and Alopecia. - We also offer high-quality semi permanent makeup
treatments including eyebrow semi permanent
makeup, medical micropigmentation and hair
scalp micropigmentation in the UAE at affordable
4Exclusive Aesthetic offers Semi Permanent Makeup
for Eyebrows in Dubai, UAE. By applying pigment
we can give you perfectly defined eyebrows that
last for 2 - 3 years.
5Please Visit Us To Know More
Website http//exclusiveaesthetic.com/ Address
Healthcare City Dubai - District 1
Bldg. 64, Block E, Suite 4017 For
Appointment Call (971) 4 375 2393 Email