Some Plumbing and Heating Advices You Should Consider - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Plumbing and Heating Advices You Should Consider


1. Simple Plumbing and Heating Advice to Keep Things Functional. 2. Plumbing and Heating: Few Things to Remember to Prevent Pipe Bursting. 3. Plumbing and Heating Advice to Save You Money on Repairs. 4. Few Simple Tips to Prevent and Correct Plumbing and Heating Problems. 5. Common Winter Furnace Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for All. 6. The Right Way to Deal with the Furnace Cleaning. 7. Simple Yet Effective Ways to Select the Best Furnace Repair Technician. 8. Furnace Repair and Replacement: What are the Factors Affecting Replacement Costs? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: GavinWard
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Some Plumbing and Heating Advices You Should Consider

Some Plumbing and Heating Advices You Should
  1. Simple Plumbing and Heating Advice to Keep Things
  2. Plumbing and Heating Few Things to Remember to
    Prevent Pipe Bursting
  3. Plumbing and Heating Advice to Save You Money on
  4. Few Simple Tips to Prevent and Correct Plumbing
    and Heating Problems
  5. Common Winter Furnace Cleaning and Maintenance
    Tips for All
  6. The Right Way to Deal with the Furnace Cleaning
  7. Simple Yet Effective Ways to Select the Best
    Furnace Repair Technician
  8. Furnace Repair and Replacement What are the
    Factors Affecting Replacement Costs?

Simple Plumbing and Heating Advice to Keep Things
  • Do not ignore any leaky faucet in your home. The
    issue may not look big at first, but things will
    quickly go out of hand if you do not take
    immediate actions. Also, you need to bear in mind
    that it takes no time to lose gallons of water
    when you have a single leaky faucet in your home.
  • Think seriously of making hot-water storage tank
    more efficient by insulating it properly. It is
    also a good idea to insulate all those storage
    pipes as well. While doing it, ensure that you do
    not cover the thermostat or you may run into
    serious trouble in no time. In case of oil or gas
    hot-water storage tanks, you should not insulate
    the heater's top and bottom. Avoid covering its
    burner compartment and thermostat. When not sure,
    do not hesitate to talk to a plumbing and heating
  • Make special moves to lower your water bill, and
    one simple thing is to opt for non-aerating
    low-flow showerheads and faucets. These fixtures
    may cost you a bit more, but you will end up
    saving some good money on your water bill.

Simple Plumbing and Heating Advice to Keep Things
  • Do not wait for your 8-year-old water heater to
    go bad. While most water heaters continue to
    serve you up to 10 years, it is better to start
    looking for a new one once yours is at least 8
    years old. At least, you should start paying more
    attention to its maintenance to ensure it does
    not break down at wrong times. Be sure to spend
    some time in educating yourself about different
    types of heaters currently available in the
    market because it will help you select a new one
    that perfectly meets your needs.
  • Pay special attention to your thermostat settings
    when you have a new water heater installed. Most
    of the times, water heaters have higher
    temperature settings when you install them for
    the first time. Be sure to check it and lower it
    to make it serve you well. It is usually a good
    idea to keep it below 115F because it provides
    enough hot water at this setting.
  • Consider draining some water from the water tank
    at regular intervals. Ideally, you should drain
    around a quart of water and do it every three
    months to ensure that there is no sediment in it
    to impede heat transfer.

Plumbing and Heating Few Things to Remember to
Prevent Pipe Bursting
  • Be very careful when using toilet paper. Experts
    have found that using too much toilet paper with
    inadequate flushing can lead to serious problems.
    It may clog your toilet pipes and require serious
    attention. Similarly, you will experience the
    same problem when flushing foreign objects. Pay
    attention to how your young children use the
    toilet. Do not let them use it the wrong way or
    else get ready to call in a plumbing and heating
    specialist for help.
  • Do not ignore any clogs in the kitchen. Fats can
    damage your kitchen pipes, especially those pipes
    underneath your sink their curved shape makes
    them vulnerable to damage. Fatty materials may
    accumulate in that area, causing stubborn clogs
    to develop. Ensure that you do not let clogs go
    unnoticed. It is a good idea to use strainers in
    the sinks. Moreover, you need to ensure that you
    never dispose of cooking oils and grease through
    the drain. It is important to take precautionary
    measures, but you may eventually have some greasy
    soapy reside in those pipes. To keep them in top
    working condition, make a habit of running hot
    water for five minutes down those pipes at
    regular intervals. Doing it periodically will
    keep your pipes working just fine and you will
    not have to worry about pipe bursting.

Plumbing and Heating Few Things to Remember to
Prevent Pipe Bursting
  • Fix clogs in the bathtub in a timely manner. It
    is common to have blocked sink pipes because of
    hair and soap. The same factors may lead to a
    blocked bathtub. It is a good idea to clean hair
    and soap regularly and do not let them
    accumulate. You should make use of a strainer to
    prevent clogs in the first place. Similarly, you
    should consider pouring boiling hot water down
    those pipes at least once a month to prevent
    serious issues. Remember, not removing hair and
    soap in a timely manner may lead to a blockage
    issue too big to be handled by you. If you have
    already clogged those sink pipes, call your
    plumbing and heating company for assistance.
  • Consider leaving a faucet running slowly when the
    temperature outside is very low. It may certainly
    be a waste of water, but keeping water running
    through the system may go a long way in
    preventing bursting pipes.
  • Consider directing warm air to pipes that are
    more likely to freeze. Most of these pipes are
    usually located outside a window or wall.

Plumbing and Heating Advice to Save You Money on
  • Be sure to take your time when shopping for a
    water heater. It is a good idea to buy a heater
    with a good first-hour rating (FHR). You can make
    a right choice by considering how much hot water
    your family requires at different times.
  • Consider taking advantage of a solar water heater
    if you live in a warm climate. It will be
    extremely beneficial especially if you have to
    use electricity to get hot water.
  • Consider taking showers instead of taking baths.
    You have to understand that you will be using
    15-25 gallons of hot water when taking a bath,
    whereas you can save 5-15 gallon when taking a
    5-minute shower.
  • Whenever possible, opt for oil, gas, or propane
    water heaters. They last longer and do not cost
    you as much as electric models do. Before
    finalizing a decision, you may want to consider
    the right type of fuel for your water heater.
  • Pay attention to the length of piping you require
    to use hot water in your bathroom and kitchen.
    Find an appropriate location to minimize the
    total length of piping you need.

Plumbing and Heating Advice to Save You Money on
  • Do not leave your drain clogged or the problem
    will spiral out of control. You can try simple
    home remedies to correct the problem. A simple
    solution is to pour half a cup of vinegar along
    with half a box of baking soda down your drain.
    Leave it for half an hour and then pour boiling
    water into the drain. In most cases, it should
    resolve the problem, but if the problem persists,
    be sure to talk to a plumbing and heating expert.
  • Be sure to take advantage of timers to use your
    electric water heaters more efficiently. A timer
    can turn your water heater off and on at the
    right times. It may cost some money, but in most
    cases, it pays for itself in a year or so.
  • Do not leave your sinks and toilets clogged.
    Timely actions can prevent expensive repairs. You
    can use plungers to good effect, but remember
    that sinks and toilets usually require different
    types of plungers. You will get good results only
    when you are using the correct one.
  • Regularly check all your pipes for possible
    leaks. You may not notice there is a leak until
    you check all the pipes carefully. A small leak
    can lead to the wastage of up to 20 gallons of
    water a day, and larger leaks can certainly wreak
    havoc. So, be sure to inspect all the pipes to
    fix the issue as soon as possible.

Few Simple Tips to Prevent and Correct Plumbing
and Heating Problems
  • Never ignore any clogged drains. You should take
    corrective steps in a timely manner to avoid
    wasting a lot of money.
  • Never go heavy on bleach, detergent, and other
    chemicals. Even when you want to disinfect
    different surfaces, you should avoid using harsh
    chemicals. Interestingly, your septic system
    really needs the natural bacteria to function
    properly, so using harsh chemicals can actually
    cause serious problems.
  • Never overlook a leaky toilet because it can make
    you waste a large amount of water in fact, it
    increases your water usage by 40 or more in some
    cases. If you have found the leak, ensure that
    you fix it as soon as possible. In case you
    suspect there is a leak in your toilet, sink, or
    water, ensure that you have turned off the water
    before trying to repair it yourself. If you are
    not sure how to proceed, there is no harm in
    hiring a plumbing and heating expert to fix it
    when it does not require a lot of work.

Few Simple Tips to Prevent and Correct Plumbing
and Heating Problems
  • Consider replacing metal piping with plastic
    piping if you experience any problem. Plastic
    piping is usually of higher quality and is
    cheaper than metal as well. You will find it a
    lot easier to install and adjust plastic piping
    on your own. You can repair it easily if there is
    a leakage problem. A good thing about plastic
    piping is that it does not corrode like that
    metal piping you may already have installed in
    your home.
  • Be sure to check your faucets regularly for any
    leakage problems. When you have dripping faucets,
    there is usually a problem with washers. The
    issue may also be the result of bad internal
    seats or faulty faucet cartridges. Check all
    these parts to fix the issue.
  • Pay attention to the water pressure in the pipes.
    It should be less than 80 pounds per square inch.
    If it is higher, it will eventually damage your
    faucet and cause leakage problems.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals to open your clogged
    kitchen sink. Grease is usually the underlying
    problem here, but you do not want to correct it
    by using harsh chemicals, as they can corrode the
    pipes. A better option would be to pour ¼ cup of
    common dish soap down the drain and leave it for
    at least 20 minutes. Finish by pouring some
    boiling water in the drain to get good results.

Common Winter Furnace Cleaning and Maintenance
Tips for All
  • Ensure that the filter of your furnace is in good
    condition. Understand that the filter of your
    furnace is one of its most important parts
    because it stops dust, debris, insects and other
    foreign particles from entering the furnace and
    causing problems. It also helps take the warm air
    out through the duct system. Not paying attention
    to furnace cleaning may lead to a clogged up
    filter, which directly affects the airflow and
    the efficiency of your furnace. Due to a reduced
    airflow, there will be a serious strain on the
    heat exchanger. The excessive strain can cause
    cracks it can sometimes cause a meltdown, which
    requires a big-ticket replacement. Leaving it
    unattended would have a direct impact on your
    heating costs as well. Therefore, you should
    check your furnace's filter regularly and have it
    cleaned properly to ensure the furnace keeps
    working properly.
  • Perform a visual furnace inspection to ensure
    everything is in the right condition. Before
    approaching the furnace, ensure that you have
    flipped off the circuit breaker. You should turn
    down the thermostat and wait until the furnace
    gets cool. Check your furnace carefully and
    notice any sign of damage. Look for the presence
    of any black soot or residue. It is usually the
    result of combustion, and if it is present, you
    may want to ask a plumbing and heating expert to
    have a closer look at the furnace.

Common Winter Furnace Cleaning and Maintenance
Tips for All
  • Similarly, you should look for the presence of
    any dust and debris. Use a handheld vacuum
    cleaner to help remove the debris. After you have
    completed furnace cleaning, you should turn it on
    and pay attention to the color of the pilot light
    flame. Things are usually fine if you have a
    clear, bluish flame. There may be a combustion
    issue if you notice yellow, sooty-looking flame.
  • Ensure there is no debris outside the furnace.
    Most people pay attention to cleaning the inside
    of the furnace and leave the outside unchecked.
    Do not make this mistake and check the
    surrounding area for cleanliness and any possible
    issue. You should be more careful when your
    furnace is in the attic. The same holds true if
    your furnace is installed in an area that is
    exposed to heavy snow. Not cleaning the
    surrounding area thoroughly would directly affect
    the efficiency of your furnace, which can shorten
    its lifespan and increase your energy bills at
    the same time.

The Right Way to Deal with the Furnace Cleaning
  • Before getting started with furnace cleaning, you
    need to pay special attention to your
    surroundings. Working around a gas appliance has
    its risks you may end up sustaining serious
    injuries due to a leak or fire. Therefore, you
    should take precautionary measures and ensure you
    are using the right gear and tools to handle the
    cleaning task.
  • Replace the filter of your furnace. One of the
    most important things to do when cleaning your
    furnace is to clean its filter. In some cases,
    the filter can be cleaned and used again, but
    sometimes, it is better to better have it
    replaced for better results. Understand that the
    filter is the only layer of protection against
    debris and dust. Not using a clean filter would
    affect the efficiency of the furnace, leading to
    costly repairs and hefty bills. You do not have
    to go through a lot of hassle to replace the
    filter you can easily find replacement filter
    at popular home improvement stores. Changing the
    filter is not tricky either.
  • Clean the blower properly. After you have
    replaced the filter, you should turn towards the
    blower. Cleaning the blower is equally important
    because it traps any dust and debris that escapes
    through the filter. You do not need any special
    tools to clean the blower all you have to do is
    clean the blower using a damp cloth. Be sure to
    wipe down all the belts and pulleys at the same

Simple Yet Effective Ways to Select the Best
Furnace Repair Technician
  • Choose a reputable service provider. Reputation
    matters a lot when it comes to hiring a plumbing
    specialist. While you may want to opt for the
    cheapest solution, you should not try to cut
    corners or else you will end up dealing with a
    bigger problem later. Only experienced and
    reputable service providers can identify and
    handle furnace repair correctly. An inexperienced
    professional may offer a temporary fix to your
    problems and make you have more repair work in
    the near future.
  • Be sure to opt for a professional who is there to
    back their work. It means that they should offer
    a guarantee with every repair job they handle.
    At first, every so-called professional promises
    great repair and installation, but they leave the
    unsatisfied in the end. Therefore, you should
    always inquire about the availability of any
    guarantee. You may have to spend more time to
    find a company or professional stands behind
    their work, but it is worth the effort.

Simple Yet Effective Ways to Select the Best
Furnace Repair Technician
  • Ask about their training and any certification.
    You should bear in mind that not all service
    providers have the right experience and training.
    Look for a professional or company experienced
    not only with the manufacturers but also with the
    equipment they use. You may have to check the
    company's website to get more details about how
    experienced and trained a company is. If there is
    no real information available on their official
    website, you may want to talk to them directly
    and ask about their areas of expertise. Keep in
    mind that HVAC systems are extremely complex,
    which is why it is not possible for every
    so-called professional to handle certain furnace
    repair tasks. So, take your time and get more
    information about training, experience, and
    certification of your service provider.
  • Always select a company only after they have
    visited your property and evaluated the
    situation. Professional HVAC contractors know
    that every furnace repair job is different
    because of so many underlying factors. Therefore,
    a true professional would offer a free evaluation
    to help you get a better idea of the total cost
    of repair.

Furnace Repair and Replacement What are the
Factors Affecting Replacement Costs?
  • Furnace Types You need to learn a bit about
    different furnace types available today. Of
    course, it is better to have a clue about your
    budget constraints before you start shopping for
    a new furnace. You should also do the same when
    you have a major furnace repair task to take care
    of. Keep in mind that furnaces vary in the type
    of energy or fuel they use. You can buy electric
    furnaces and you can also buy gas and oil
    furnaces. What works best for you depends
    directly on your unique household needs. The
    average cost of a new furnace may vary greatly,
    but you should expect to pay the least amount of
    money for electric furnaces. Oil furnaces are
    usually the most expensive ones, whereas gas
    furnaces fall somewhere in between electric and
    oil furnaces. Be sure to explore and compare
    different options to make a right decision.
  • Furnace Size The size of your furnace matters a
    lot and should be selected keeping your unique
    household need in mind. Opting for a right-sized
    furnace can save you some good money in energy
    costs. You will also have to bear with low
    upfront cost. Bigger furnaces are usually more
    expensive, which is why you need to ensure that
    you select a size that is just enough for your

Furnace Repair and Replacement What are the
Factors Affecting Replacement Costs?
  • Furnace Installation When comparing the cost of
    furnace repair and furnace replacement, you
    should consider installation costs as well.
    Having a new furnace installed by a specialist
    will cost you money. The cost usually depends on
    the time it takes to install the furnace. If it
    is difficult to install your furnace, you are
    likely to pay more for it. The installation cost
    will go up if new ductwork is required.
  • Furnace Efficiency Furnaces today are highly
    efficient, and you can choose from a variety of
    options. You may want to put your money on
    furnaces with a higher AFUE rating because they
    are likely to run more efficiently they can
    also offer significant cost savings.

The End
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