Title: Six Ways to Fight Hemorrhoids
1S I X W A Y S T O F I G H T
H T T P / / W W W . G O N Z A B A U R G E N T C
A R E . C O M / U R G E N T - C A R E - S E R V I
C E S / A I L M E N T S / H E M O R R H O I D S /
2The following are the six best ways to fight
1. Eat Fibrous Food - Hemorrhoids occur when a
person complains of infrequent bowel movement.
One of the most natural ways to regularize bowel
movements is to include 25 to 30 grams of fiber
in every day's diet and supplements. According
to an expert doctor, a fibrous diet is a
universal recommendation by doctors and
gastroenterologists to those suffering from
3- Drink Plenty Water - In addition to eating a
fibrous diet, it is crucial to keep the body
hydrated by drinking adequate water. It helps in
preventing constipation and having healthy bowel
movements. Drinking six to eight glasses of
water every day not only helps the smooth
functioning of digestive system but also benefits
the entire body. - Exercise Everyday - According to a recommendation
by an expert doctor, exercise regularises colon
and hence, if practiced everyday exercise
prevents hemorrhoids. Such patients need to stay
active and reduce time spent in putting pressure
on veins in the lower rectum. Also, one should
keep away from heavy lifting or other strenuous
activities as these are the potential causes of
causing hemorrhoids.
4- Choose Laxatives Carefully - Experts suggest that
not all laxatives are good to consume when you
are suffering from hemorrhoids because some
laxatives stimulate intestinal contraction to
move the stool along. However, it causes
pressure in hemorrhoids and can worsen the
situation. It is advised to take prescribed
osmotic laxatives because these substances
increase the amount of water in the gut and
reduce constipation. - Don't Fight the Urge- when you feel the pressure,
you have to go, and it is one of the simplest
ways to cure hemorrhoids. An expert doctor once
quoted, "Ignoring Mother Nature has its risks and
hemorrhoids are one of them."
56. Avoid Straining - A person will suffer painful
and bleeding hemorrhoids if he/she puts pressure
on the veins in the rectum. It usually happens
when people find it difficult for the stools to
pass. One should also avoid straining because it
indirectly strains the bowels and causes pain in
hemorrhoids. A person is straining if he/she is
lifting heaving objects, has a chronic cough or
if she is pregnant.
6T H I S A R T I C L E I S
- O R I G I N A L L Y A P P E A R E D O N
H T T P / / H E A L T H F I R S T M A G A Z I N
E . B L O G S P O T . I N / 2 0 1 8 / 0 5 / S I X
- W A Y S - T O - F I G H T - H E M O R R H O I D
S . H T M L