Title: Book Newspaper Advertisement Online
2Bookadsnow is an online adverting and ad booking
portal in India having 30 year of experience
and 500 client base. It is a Private
organization and classified as Non- govt Company
and is registered at Registrar of Companies. Its
Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is
3Bookadsnow the online advertising platform of
Lookad assists Large and small businesses and
individuals to smoothly advertise or release ad
on newspapers, television, magazines. An
initiative by Lookad India Pvt Ltd, Bookadsnow
is an online media planning portal with
tailor-made media planning and booking
services. Television ads, newspaper advertising
and magazine ads are our forte and we aim to
provide quality media planning, buying, and
evaluation solutions across all advertising
6How to Book Newspaper Advertisement
- Visit Bookadsnow
- Select Your Desired Adtype
- Choose Preferred Newspaper
- Submit Your Ad Details That's all
- We understand your need of the hour and provide
ready templates for your advertisement, as well
as last-minute booking options. Our media
experts have the right tips and solutions to
help you book your Newspaper advertisement in
the right newspaper that effectively pays
tribute to your deceased loved one. With
Bookadsnow, publish your Newspaper ads in
newspapers across the nation at the most
competitive rates.
7Bookadsnow Newspaper Advertising Agency
Address 17 Paul Mansions, 3rd Floor 6 Bishop
Lefroy Road, Kolkata - 700020, West Bengal,
India. Telephone 91-9830400021 Website
www.bookadsnow.com Mobile 91-9811195529