Title: Gorilla Safaris in Uganda
1 Gorilla Safaris In Uganda
Bamba Tours offers the guided gorilla safaris in
Uganda covering the Lake Mburo National Park,
Bwindi national park, Kibale national park,
Mgahinga gorilla national park, Murchison
national park and Semuliki national park. These
tours combine the experience of gorilla trekking
in Uganda with wildlife spotting, chimp trekking,
community and cultural interaction to give you a
genuine Uganda wildlife safari experience. No
hidden charges involve as all of our Uganda
gorilla treks are all inclusive and fully
assisted by expert local guides who are familiar
in the Ugandas vegetation, wildlife and history.
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6address line Goma, D.R Congophone 1 250
785003693phone 2 250 788975978email
info_at_bambatours.com GOT A QUESTION? Dont
hesitate to call us on 00250 785003693.
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