Title: PSY 405 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
1 PSY 405 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
2PSY 405 Entire Course (2 Sets)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Papers for All
Assignments (Except Week 3 Worksheet) -
- PSY 405 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
- PSY 405 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
3PSY 405 Week 1 Assignment Psychodynamic Theories
Brochure (2 Brochure)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different Brochure
- PSY 405 Week 1 Psychodynamic Theories Brochure
- Create a 2- to 3-page brochure including
graphics, on traditional psychodynamic theories.
Here is a suggested format for a tri-fold
brochure (front and back on 1 page, folded in
thirds) - Title and your name
4PSY 405 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
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- As discussed in your Week One readings,
personality theorists, like Sigmund Freud and
Carl Jung, made certain assumptions about
humanity in creating their personality theories.
These assumptions are categorized into six
different dimensions - Determinism versus free choice
- Pessimism versus optimism
- Causality versus teleology
5PSY 405 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
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- What factors affect an individuals personality
development? Which factor has the biggest effect?
6PSY 405 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
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- Do you agree with Freuds belief that people are
motivated by things of which they have little or
no awareness? Why or why not?
7PSY 405 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
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- Do you agree with Freuds belief that people are
motivated by things of which they have little or
no awareness? Why or why not?
8PSY 405 Week 2 Psychodynamic Theory Presentation
(2 PPT)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different PPT
- PSY 405 Week 2 Psychodynamic Theory Presentation
- Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint pr
esentation (plus a title slide and reference
slide, so total 12-14), including detailed
speaker notes, on two theorists - Pick one Traditional Adler, Freud, Jung
9PSY 405 Week 2 Team Assignment Psychodynamic
Theory Debate (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
- PSY 405 Week 2 Psychodynamic Theory Debate
- Pick two psychodynamic theories to compare.
(Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, Fromm, etc.) - Divide your team into two groups, each will
represent one theory.
10PSY 405 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
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- What is self-actualization? Who is a
self-actualizing person? Please give details of
the person and why you believe this to be true.
11PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Paper (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
- PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Paper - Write a 1,050- to 1,250-word analysis of the
strengths and limitations of humanistic and
existential theories in explaining individuals
behavior. Address the following
12PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet
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- PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet - Complete the Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet. - Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment. - Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories
13PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet
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- PSY 405 Week 3 Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet - Complete the Humanistic and Existential
Personality Theories Worksheet. - Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment. - Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories
Worksheet - Fill-in the Blank
14PSY 405 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
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- Do you agree or disagree with Allports belief
that individuals are motivated by present drives,
not past events? Why? Please give a scenerio
that supports your answer.
15PSY 405 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
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- May personality factors predict mortality?
Explain your answer by describing a famous person
in which their personality and lifestyle affected
their mortality/physical well-being.
16PSY 405 Week 4 Team Assignment Dispositional,
Biological or Evolutionary Theories Presentation
(2 PPT)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different PPT
- PSY 405 Week 4 Dispositional, Biological or
Evolutionary Theories Presentation - Each team will select a specific dispositional,
evolutionary or biological personality theory.
Please send a personal message to Judy when
youve chosen your theory. If you have picked
one already taken by another team, you will be
asked to select another theory. (You may wish to
have a first choice and a second choice.)
17PSY 405 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
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- Do you agree or disagree with Banduras belief
that much of what individuals learn is acquired
through observing others? Why and please provide
an example?
18PSY 405 Week 5 Learning or Cognitive Personality
Theories (2 Papers)
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
- PSY 405 Week 5 Learning or Cognitive Personality
Theories - Pick one learning theorist or cognitive theorist
(Skinner, Bandura, Rotter, Mischel, Kelly) - Develop questions as if you were an interviewer,
then answer the questions in a 900-1100 word
paper. REMEMBER, this is a personality
class, so focus on personality. (For example, I
dont just want to see a paper on Skinner I want
19PSY 405 Week 5 Personality Theory Analysis (2
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- This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
- PSY 405 Week 5 Personality Theory Analysis
- Select two of the following theoretical
approaches psychodynamic, humanistic and
existential, dispositional, or learning. - Obtain faculty approval of your selection.
20PSY 405 Education Beginss/newtonhelp.com