Title: Best Aviation Courses in Mumbai
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2What Is Aviation?
- Aviation, or air transport, refers to the
activities surrounding mechanical flight and
the aircraft industry. - Aircraft includes fixed-wing and rotary-wing types
, morphable wings, wing-less lifting bodies, as
well as lighter-than-air craft such
as balloons and airships. - Aviation began in the 18th century with the
development of the hot air balloon, an apparatus
capable of atmospheric displacement through
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support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
3Operations of Aircraft
- Civil aviation
- Military aviation
- Air safety
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support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
4Civil aviation
- Civil aviation includes all non-military flying,
both general aviation and scheduled air
transport. Types - Air transport
- General aviation
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support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
5Military aviation
- Simple balloons were used as surveillance
aircraft. Over the years, military aircraft have
been built to meet ever increasing capability
requirements. - Types of military aviation-
- Fighter aircraft
- Ground attack aircraftÂ
- Bombers
- Transport aircraft
- Missiles
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6Air safety
- Aviation safety means the state of an aviation
system or organization in which risks associated
with aviation activities, related to, or in
direct support of the operation of aircraft, are
reduced and controlled to an acceptable level. - Â It encompasses the theory, practice,
investigation, and categorization of flight
failures, and the prevention of such failures
through regulation, education, and training.
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7Looking for Best Aviation Courses in Mumbai
Visit https//www.classboat.com/aviation-classes
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support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com