Title: Unexplored Places on Earth by Shabuddin Syed
1 Top 5 Unexplored Places on
21 Caves
Deep, winding, dark, slippery and uninhabitable
caves also remain one of the least explored and
documented places on earth. Caving is very
popular in France, Italy, Australia, UK, United
States etc. hence most of the caves currently
documented are from Europe, Asia, North America,
and Australia.
Shabuddin Syed
32 Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon rainforest contains 50 of the worlds
rainforests. Its biodiversity is extremely vast
as it supports numerous types of plant species
and over 2,000 birds and mammals. Its climate and
surroundings have invoked the interests of many
large expeditions for explorations. however, its
habitat has impeded thorough exploration of this
Shabuddin Syed
43 Antarctica
No one knows what exactly lies beneath the icy
terrain of Antarctica, with ice sheets 2 miles
thick, it is also the coldest place on earth.
Scientists believe there is a network of rivers,
streams and stony land makes up its geography.
Recently, the discovery of sub-glacial lakes has
opened a new chapter in Antarcticas exploration.
Shabuddin Syed
54 Mariana Trench Deep Sea Ocean
The deepest and darkest place in the ocean is the
35,800 feet deep Mariana Trench which is one of
the least explored places on earth. Due to its
depth and pressure of up to 1,000 atmospheres,
the deep is completely hostile to humans. A study
of the deep-ocean life will help scientists to
understand deep-sea creatures unique living
patterns in harsh ocean conditions.
Shabuddin Syed
65 Deserts
Though we know of all the deserts on earth, very
few explorations have been conducted as they have
the least hospitable environments to sustain
human life. Explorations have almost always been
marked with tragedy and loss of life due to the
harsh desert conditions. Scientists and extreme
adventurers venture into deserts for research and
Shabuddin Syed
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