Title: Hair Transplant Pros & Cons part 2
1Hair Transplant Pros Cons
2Hair Transplant Pros Cons
While highly useful in the hairline region, such
'micrografts' were not always optimal in
recreating density behind the hairline. So even
after multiple sessions, the final outcome of
micrograft-only transplanted scalps tended to
look thin and rather wispy. Perhaps of even
greater concern, the dissection of a donor strip
entirely into micrografts risked a significantly
reduced conversion yield. Here's why. Let's
assume we are starting with two donor strips of
hair bearing tissue from two similar patients.
Two surgeons are each dissecting a single donor
strip, but the first surgeon aims to dissect down
into one and two hair micrografts alone, while
the second surgeon dissects only enough
micrografts to place in the hairline, leaving
larger three, four, five and six hair grafts
available for placement behind the hairline.
3Hair Transplant Pros Cons
And since there is a fixed supply of permanent
donor hair which may not be sufficient to fill
the area of demand, it is intrinsically
counterproductive to reduce this limited supply
via a technique know to engender relatively poor
yield. The problem is solved by the careful use
of FUE/micrografts in the recreated hairline and
somewhat larger grafts behind the hairline.
Refinement is thus achieved at the hairline with
appropriate density behind the hairline zone. If
either of these factors are missing from the
equation the result is a dysaesthetic hair
restoration. Either the outcome looks thin and
fuzzy (micrografts only) or it looks doll-hair
like (large grafts only). So now we can now begin
to see why the size and strategic placement of
each graft becomes a critically important
consideration in hair transplant surgery.
4Hair Transplant Pros Cons
Several other potential caveats to hair
transplant surgery are graft compression,
misdirection, miss angulations, mishandled grafts
and donor site damage. Graft compression occurs
by trying to insert too large of a donor graft
into too small of a recipient hole. If the donor
graft is not carefully fitted to the recipient
hole then the tissue and hair can literally get
'squeezed together'. To see how this works,
extend the fingers from your left hand open and
wrap the fingers from your right hand around the
middle portion of your left hand. Just as your
fingers get squeezed closer together, the hairs
in a compressed graft end up closer together then
they were intended by nature. This tufting lends
an odd or unnatural appearance to the hair.
5Hair Transplant Pros Cons
Misdirected grafts produce hair that ends up
growing in a direction contrary to that which was
intended. Again, this problem causes a weird,
unnatural --- and difficult to style -- head of
hair. Misangulation, somewhat similar to
misdirection describes a misplaced graft that
produces hair at an angle which does not
correspond to the way scalp hair is supposed to
grow. Again, the result is hair that just doesn't
look right no matter how it is combed. Mishandling
of grafts usually involves either transecting a
follicle (cutting off the root) or desiccating
(allowing to dry out) the tissue. Graft
mishandling typically occurs primarily in less
than experienced surgical hands.
6Hair Transplant Pros Cons
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