Title: Things to Make You a WPC Expert
1Things to Make You a WPC Expert
2What Is WPC Flooring?
WPC vinyl plank flooring and WPC vinyl tile
flooring are best known for being 100
waterproof. It is luxury vinyl flooring amped up
a notch with a special waterproof core that makes
it perfect for just about any room in the house.
3What Does WPC Stand For?
WPC is flooring industry lingo for Wood Plastic
Composite. Sometimes, people use it to
abbreviate Waterproof Core, which also happens to
fit perfectly since WPC vinyl flooring does come
with a waterproof core. It also means flooring
goals because no other floor has quite as many
bells and whistles.
4Is WPC the Same as LVT/LVP?
LVT stands for luxury vinyl tiles and LVP stands
for luxury vinyl planks. Sometimes you will find
LVT/LVP that are also waterproof/WPC, but not
always. They mean two different things.
Typically, all WPC products will be considered
luxury vinyl tiles or luxury vinyl planks, but
not all luxury vinyl is WPC.
5WPC Vinyl Thickness Options
Simple a thicker plank is denser. Its going to
feel sturdier, and more substantial beneath your
feet, as well as covering up for a less than
stellar subfloor. It will also provide more
resiliency and durability, making it more
comfortable to stand on for extended periods of
time, and also more likely to withstand the test
of time.
6WPC Vinyl Wear Layer Thickness Options
The wear layer is the top surface of your WPC
vinyl flooring in LVT Company Dubai. The wear
layer is like the bodyguard for your floor. If
your options were a scrawny little thing, or a
big, bulky, tough and ready-for-battle bodyguard,
obviously youd want the latter.
7Where Should You Use WPC Vinyl Flooring?
A better question would be where shouldnt you
use WPC vinyl flooring. Honestly, you can use WPC
for any indoor application from LVT Company
Dubai. So you wouldnt want to use it to floor
your entire backyard, but its great for any room
in the house or business.
8Who Should Choose WPC Vinyl Flooring?
- While anyone can benefit from WPC vinyl, there
are a few types of people wed really recommend
it to from LVT Company Dubai. - Parents
- Pet owners
- Business owners
- Everyone
9Why WPC and Not Laminate or Regular Vinyl?
WPC vinyl is 100 waterproof. Traditional vinyl
and laminate floors are not. Additionally, the
thicker planks lend themselves to uneven
subfloors, giving you less prep work before your
wpc flooring installation. These thick planks
also tend to be more durable and provide thicker
wear layers which prevent your floor from dents
and scratches.
10LVT Company Dubai
Gold Crest Executive TowerJLT, Dubai,
UAE Phone971 44508875 Fax 971 4 450 88
76 Email info_at_greenwood.ae