Title: Top aeronautical engineering in pune
1What is aeronautical engineering
- Aerospace engineers may develop new technologies
for use in aviation, defense systems, and
spacecraft. ... Aeronautical engineers work with
aircraft. They are involved primarily in
designing aircraft and propulsion systems and in
studying the aerodynamic performance of aircraft
and construction materials.
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2Why aeronautical engineering
Their importance is crucial, which is why over
these fifty years the priority of the Institute
has been and continues to be the defence of the
rights of aerospace engineers and promoting this
sector for purposes such as the system of free
competition, defence of the interests of the
profession and advising society and public
authorities on aspects related to the Spanish
aerospace sector in general, always in a
constructive and sensible spirit. We must
continue to promote the improvement of aerospace
engineering as an activity regulator, as support
for entrepreneurs and the profession as a whole,
as a collaborator with authorities and as a link
between academia and business.
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support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com
3Role of aeronautical engineering
- Aeronautical engineers play a vital role in the
industry and air transport safety. They are
responsible for the management and development of
all branches of aerospace engineering air
operations and companies, consultancy, design,
certification, manufacture and maintenance of
aircraft and engines, space development, as well
as air navigation and the construction and
management of airports. Their role provides an
overview which has been expanded over the years,
covering not only the aerospace industry, but
also other developments and applications in
similar sectors.
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4aeronautical engineering
- Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering is one of
the most challenging fields of engineering with a
wide scope for growth. This field deals with the
development of new technology in the field of
aviation, space exploration and defence systems.
It specialises in the designing, construction,
development, testing, operation and maintenance
of both commercial and military aircraft,
spacecrafts and their components as well as
satellites and missiles.
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5If you are interested then visit our site
- Mobile No. 91-7767904499 E-mail -
support_at_classboat.com www.classboat.com