Title: Income Tax Filing Scarborough
1Income Tax Filing in Scarborough
- Many times, individuals simply forget the task
of Income Tax Filing in Scarborough and fail to
understand that it is only increasing the burden
on your pocket. If you are a small business
owner, then filing income tax on time has so many
ulterior benefits for you. - We have listed some of those benefits.
3Commercial Insurance
Many times, individuals simply forget the
task of Income Tax Filing in Scarborough and fail
to understand that it is only increasing the
burden on your pocket. If you are a small
business owner, then filing income tax on time
has so many ulterior benefits for you. In this
post, we have listed some of those benefits.
4Use of personal vehicles
Many business owners who work from home use their
personal vehicles for business use. In that case,
you can write off a portion of your automobile
expenses like fuel costs, licensing, insurance,
maintenance, repair costs, and also to some
extent the interest on money you borrowed to
purchase that vehicle. Its important to keep a
separate track of home and business use of your
vehicles like the kilometers driven for business
purpose and so on.
5Property Taxes and Mortgage Interests
This also comes under home based expenses. You
can deduce a part of your property tax and rent
or mortgage you are paying on your home if your
home is also your business sphere or youve
separately rented an accommodation for business
purpose. Use the chart to calculate business use
of home expenses given by CRA for the purpose.
6For more info on how to go about these claims,
visit Z Rahman Professional Corporation, the
tax experts in Scarborough.
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