Title: Promotional Plastic Cups Products
- In need of cups for your marketing events?
MyPlasticCups offers promotional plastic cups to
small and large businesses in Australia.
2Most of our customers will typically ask us to
put their logo and business name on their plastic
cups, and thats about it. However, you can
instantly transform an otherwise ordinary plastic
cup into a showcase of what your business has to
offer by including a couple of other things as
3Here are four things you can include in
your promotional plastic cups to make the most
out of your branded plastic cups in an event
A clever pun. A little humour goes a long way.
Adding a funny pun or quote can catch the
attention of customers and help them remember
your business. Just because your business is
serious about helping customers doesnt mean all
of your marketing has to be. Humour is important
because it makes you more human and less of a
business. As a result, you become more relatable
to people, and they become more receptive towards
your branding message. So try to have fun when
creating the copy you want for your promotional
plastic cups.
4A backstory. At the end of the day, you are
dealing with people. Being relatable to your
audience helps you connect with them. This is
something you can achieve through storytelling.
You can tell the reason of why you created the
company in the first place, or why you invented a
product through a series of short phrases and
images. Telling your brand story allows you to
come up with a real and relatable persona that
will help you build a loyal customer base. A
brand story can replace an actual personal
experience, and build empathy and excitement
until such time that the prospect is ready to buy
into your goods or services.
5A compelling call to action. The painful reality
is that most consumers are reluctant to purchase
something they are not familiar with. If you are
marketing to a certain segment, it is not enough
that you come up with an engaging text or a
visually appealing imageyou need to accompany
these with a statement that tells customers what
to do next and drive them into action. Statements
such as Call us today! or Visit our website!
prevents passive reception to your branding
message, and prompts action on the part of the
targeted customer.
6Contact Detail
POSTAL ADDRESS Suite 505, 29 Smith St,
Parramatta, NSW, 2150 PHONE
1300 721 340EMAIL info_at_myplasticcups.com
.au Website https//www.myplasticcups.com.au