Title: Share Personal Problems
1Share Personal Problems
There are a lot of things in your details that
point pretty clearly to the problem. You say, My
imaginations started building a great world world
with her. But it didn't even last for a month and
She always keeps on talking about past which
hurts me more. Even she asks, 'Am I hurting your
feelings', but my smile in her presence never
fades away and I'll answer 'no, you are not even
capable of hurting me' and I always feel guilt of
expressing my feelings towards her. There's so
much unhealthy stuff here it's hard to know where
to start unpacking it.
2Megizli is your secret friend and can share all
your issues to your Gizli. Each person has many
issues or Personal Problems that they can't share
with anyone trustworthy, SO now Gizli will give
you necessary advises and solutions. Get moe
info http//megizli.com google app
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