BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com


FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Risk BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 2 Planning for Risk BUS 519 Week 2 DQ 1 Need for Risk Management BUS 519 Week 2 DQ 2 Critical Success Factors BUS 519 Week 3 DQ 1 Project Initiation BUS 519 Week 3 DQ 2 Stakeholder Analysis BUS 519 Week 3 Assignment 1 Assess Organizational Readiness (2 Papers) BUS 519 Week 4 DQ 1 Identifying and Mitigating Risks – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com

BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 1 What
 is Risk BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 2 Planning for Risk BUS
 519 Week 2 DQ 1 Need for Risk Management BUS 519 
Week 2 DQ 2 Critical Success Factors
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Risk FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com   BUS 519 Week 1
 DQ "What is Risk?"  Please respond to the followi
ng           Risk concerns both positive and ne
gative aspects of an event. 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 1 DQ 2 Planning for Risk FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 1 Discussio
n 2 Top of Form "Planning for Risk" Please respond
 to the following  There are three schools of th
ought regarding risk. The first considers the posi
tive and negative aspects of risk, but sees them a
s separate. The second group believes that there a
re benefits from treating threats and opportunitie
s together, while the third school does not label 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 2 DQ 1 Need for Risk Management
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 51
9 Week 2 DQ "Need for Risk Management" Please resp
ond to the following          There are four (4)
 critical success factors that are important for e
ffective risk management supportive organization
 competent people appropriate methods, tools and 
techniques and simple, scalable process. Determin
e three (3) obstacles for an organization to manag
e risk effectively. Suggest strategies from the pe
rspective of a project manager to avoid 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
  BUS 519 Week 2 DQ 2 Critical Success
Factors FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.c
om Week 2 Discussion 2 "Critical Success Factors" 
Please respond to the following  There are four 
critical success factors that are important for ef
fective risk management supportive organization 
competent people appropriate methods, tools and t
echniques and simple, scalable process. Predict t
he outcome of a project if any of these critical s
uccess factors is absent for a project. Support yo
ur predictions.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 3 Assignment 1 Assess Organizational
Readiness (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bus519study.com This Tutorial contains 2
 Different Papers  BUS 519 Week 3 Assignment 1 Ass
ess Organizational Readiness Due Week 3 and worth 
200 points Note The assignments are a series of p
apers that are based on the same case, which is lo
cated in the Student Center of the course shell. T
he assignments are dependent upon one another. 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 3 DQ 1 Project Initiation FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 3 Discussio
n 1 Top of Form "Project Initiation" Please respon
d to the following  One of the most important as
pects of managing risk for a project is to accurat
ely define the size of the project. Determine the 
criteria that must be considered to perform the pr
oject sizing and create one additional factor with
 rationale.  Suppose the size of the project was 
not determined correctly 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 3 DQ 2 Stakeholder Analysis FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 3 Disc
ussion 2 "Stakeholder Analysis" Please respond to 
the following  Using the Stakeholder Analysis T
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 4 Assignment 2 Risk Management Plan
(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519stud
y.com This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers  B
US 519 Week 4 Assignment 2 Risk Management Plan Du
e Week 4 and worth 240 points Note The assignment
s are a series of papers that are based on the sam
e case, which is located in the Student Center of 
the course shell. The assignments are dependent up
on one another. In this assignment, you will creat
e a risk management plan. 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 4 DQ 1 Identifying and Mitigating
Risks FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.co
m BUS 519 Week 4 DQ "Identifying and Mitigating Ri
sks" Please respond to the following          Im
agine you are considering opening a business. Shar
e the type of business you would open. Then, creat
e a list of the five (5) most significant risks th
at you must address prior to making your decision 
regarding the viability of your venture. Justify t
he risks.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 4 DQ 2 Defining Risks FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 4 Discussio
n 2 Top of Form "Defining Risks" Please respond to
 the following  Imagine you have addressed the r
isks identified in Discussion 1. Now you have deci
ded to proceed with your plan to open the pet stor
e. Determine your potential stakeholders in the ve
nture and analyze how they affect your risk manage
ment plan.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 5 DQ 1 Risk Perception FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 519 Week 5 D
iscusion "Risk Perception" Please respond to the f
ollowing          Using the information presente
d in Common Influences on Risk Perception Figure
 6-3 (Hillson and Simon text), determine the consc
ious factors, subconscious factors, 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 5 DQ 2 Risk Responsibility FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 5 Disc
ussion 2 "Risk Responsibility" Please respond to t
he following  It is important to identify respon
sible individuals to be risk owners. Imagine you h
ave identified the highest risk for your project a
nd you plan to assign responsibilities to an indiv
idual. Compose a list of at least eight questions 
that you would want to have the individual answer 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 6 Assignment 3 Risk Workshop and
Risk Register (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bus519study.com This Tutorial contains 2
 Different Papers    BUS 519 Week 6 Assignment 3 R
isk Workshop and Risk Register   Due Week 6 and wo
rth 240 points  
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 6 DQ 1 Possible Risk Impacts FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 6 Disc
ussion 1 "Possible Risk Impacts" Please respond to
 the following  Using Table 5.4 Possible Risk Im
pacts, (Chapter 5 of the Heldman text), select the
 top-three most critical risks regardless of the s
ize or scope of a project. Justify your selection.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 6 DQ 2 Quantitative Risk Analysis
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 51
9 Week 6 DQ "Quantitative Risk Analysis" Please re
spond to the following          Review the Monte
 Carlo Analysis method presented in Chapter 15 of 
the Hillson and Simon text. Then, determine whethe
r or not you would recommend to a project manager 
the use of this methodology for a large, complex p
roject. Include an example to support your respons
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 7 DQ 1 Response Strategies FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 7 Disc
ussion 1 Top of Form "Response Strategies" Please 
respond to the following  After a risk workshop 
has been completed, risk interviews are often comp
leted with subject matter experts. Assess the valu
e of the interviews to identify risk response stra
tegies. Provide one example of a subject area you 
would expect to be addressed in the interview and 
explain why.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 7 DQ 2 Planning for Unknowns FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 519 Wee
k 7 DQ Planning for Unknowns" Please respond to th
e following Evaluate your project management opt
ions in terms of schedule, performance, and cost f
or the following scenario. Support your evaluation
. An office building construction project is 80 c
omplete in the southern Virginia area, when a majo
r hurricane strikes, and stops progress on the wor
ksite for 10 days while damage is assessed and rep
airs are completed. 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 8 DQ 1 Ongoing Risk Management FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 519 Wee
k 8 DQ "Ongoing Risk Management" Please respond to
 the following          In many risk programs, r
isks are managed individually. 
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 8 DQ 2 Risk Review Process FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 8 Disc
ussion 2Risk Review Process Please respond to t
he following   Identify the use of major and mi
nor reviews during a projects life cycle, and det
ermine which project factors (e.g., size, complexi
ty, budget, schedule, human resources) would aid i
n the determination of the use of the reviews. Sup
port your position(s).
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 9 Assignment 4 Project Progress (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.c
om This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers   BUS
 519 Week 9 Assignment 4 Project Progress Due Week
 9 and worth 200 points Note The assignments are 
a series of papers that are based on the same case
, which is located in the Student Center of the co
urse shell. The assignments are dependent upon one
 another. During the project life cycle, project r
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 9 DQ 1 Post-Project Review FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com "Post-Proje
ct Review" Please respond to the following  Asse
ss the importance of completing post-
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 9 DQ 2 Small-Project Application
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 9
 Discussion 2 "Small-Project Application" Please r
espond to the following  Compare and contrast th
e differences in the ATOM methodology for large ve
rsus small projects.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 10 DQ 1 ATOM for Large Projects
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com BUS 51
9 Week 10 DQ "ATOM for Large Projects" Please resp
ond to the following          Debate whether or 
not the cost of utilizing ATOM for large projects 
is justified when an organization has limited reso
urces to dedicate to risk management efforts. Prov
ide a description that you would present to your m
anagers to persuade them to see matters your way.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 10 DQ 2 Project Lessons Learned
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com Week 1
0 Discussion 2 Top of Form "Project Lessons Learne
d" Please respond to the following  Using Figure
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 11 DQ 1 Methodology Comparison FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com   Week 11
Discussion 1 "Methodology Comparasion" Please
respond to the following From the e-Activity,
choose one project risk management methodology
(not ATOM), compare and contrast the steps of the
methodology you chose with ATOM. Provide an
example of how each methodology is clearly used.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
BUS 519 Week 11 DQ 2 Course Lessons Learned FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus519study.com   Week 11
Discussion 2 "Course Lessons Learned" Please
respond to the following Identify three
concepts that you have learned in this course
that will be useful for project work in your
current organization.
BUS 519 STUDY Lifetime Success / bus519study.com
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