Title: Finnell, McGuinness, Nezami & Andux, P.A
1(No Transcript)
2FMNA Provides More Than Fierce Legal
Representation, We Provide Hope. DUI? Divorce?
Hurt In An Accident? Even Minor Crimes. Dont
Face Your Trials Alone, Take Control And Call For
A Free Consultation. Se Habla Español.
3Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Jacksonville,
The criminal defense lawyers of Finnell,
McGuinness, Nezami Andux, P.A. are dedicated,
experienced trial lawyers, with over 100 years on
combined experience defending clients facing
criminal charges. Call our law firm at (904)
791-1101 for more information or to schedule a
free consultation. Ms. Finnell, Mr. McGuinness,
and Mr. Andux are qualified to represent clients
facing the death penalty.
4Jacksonville Personal Injury Law Firm.
We have experience with all types of injury and
accident cases. Regardless of the cause of your
injury, whether accident or negligence by a third
party, we are able to help. So, whether you have
been involved in a car accident, motorcycle
accident or another type of vehicle accident,
our car accident team is ready to get you back on
the road to recovery. If your injury has been
caused by the negligence of someone else
5Experienced Divorce And Family Law Firm In
Jacksonville, FL.
The thought of getting a divorce is more than you
can bear, yet its the only recourse. Who can you
trust to protect your privacy, your interests and
your hard-earned assets? Divorce can quickly
become complicated. Dont you owe it to yourself
to consult with a qualified attorney? Someone who
can give you advice, guide you and if necessary,
represent you in court?
6Contact Us
Riverside Jacksonville2114 Oak
StreetJacksonville, FL 32204Phone (904)
791-1101Fax (904) 791-1102
7Thank you