Title: Engagement Rings Online - Rockrush
1Rockrush Engagement Rings
2Engagement Rings
Getting engaged is one of the most beautiful
phases in a persons life, purchase diamond
engagement rings online
Source https//www.rockrush.com/jewellery/rings/e
3How to buy Engagement Rings?
Selecting an engagement ring is a very important
part of the engagement ceremony, some of the
things to be considered are
Decide how much to invest in an engagement ring
One has to be very alert while choosing the size
of the ring. It has to be perfectly measured
Deciding on the designs of rings be it in gold,
silver or diamond can also be confusing,
therefore both the partners should decide on what
kind of rings should be bought
The engagement rings should be bought from a
trusted jeweller or if bought online then the
store should have proper jewellery certifications
Source https//www.rockrush.com/jewellery/rings/e
4How to clean Engagement Rings?
Engagement rings are like promise made forever
and also mark the beginning of a happy life
ahead, thus engagement rings should be cleaned
and kept with care. Some of the methods for
cleaning the engagement rings are as follows-
Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda as it is known
mixed with warm water can be used to clean the
diamond engagement ring and make it sparkling new
Soak the ring in warm water with dish washing
liquid and clean with soft bristle toothbrush
Make a solution with 3 parts warm water with 1
part ammonia and keep the ring in it for about
3-5 minutes, take the ring out and clean with
cold water and get back that perfect shine on the
Source https//www.rockrush.com/jewellery/rings/e
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