Title: Gregory Cascio From Devon, Pennsylvania
1Gregory Cascio
Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, Business
Management, Income Statement, Classifying and
2Greg Cascio is a professional accountant and has
been working with multiple clients over the
years. He has also worked with different start-up
3Gregory Cascio lives in Devon, Pennsylvania and
has extensive knowledge of traditional accounting
4Moreover, he has been providing accounting
services including taxation, bookkeeping,
maintaining accounts, budgeting, and managing
income statements and balance sheets.
5Gregory Cascio is also a contributing member of
Great Philadelphia Autism Society. He also likes
to volunteer, and he has been providing
professional services to different societies and
nonprofit organizations.
6Gregory Cascio also has a bachelor degree in
business administration and management. He got
his bachelor degree from Saint Josephs
7He also attended Malvern Preparatory School. Greg
Cascio also went to the Villanova University for
his post-graduate coursework in accountancy and
information systems.
8Greg Cascio has multiple featured skills include
leadership, management, and business development.
He also has multiple awards and certifications to
his name.