Title: Hair Salon in Annandale
1 Welcome Taïs Hair Studio
2 INTRODUCTION Hair Salon in Annandale
3 Taïs Hair Studio - Hair Salon in Annandale If
you are looking for the best Hair Salon in
Annandale then look no Further than Taïs Hair
Studio. .Our whole team is here to deliver the
right solution to your beauty needs with the vast
international experience of Brazilian and
Australian beauty experts to the heart of
Annandale. To know more about our services feel
free to visit our website or contact us.
- Balayage ombre
- Curl specialist
- Hair Salon
- Hair coloring
- Organic hair color
6 CONTACT US Taïs Hair Studio
7Website http//taishairstudio.com.au Address
101A Johnston St, Annandale NSW 2038,
Australia Email ID taishairnsw_at_gmail.com
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