Title: Tips for Taking Breath Taking Bridal Photos
1Tips for Taking Breath Taking Bridal Photos
2Most women get to be a bride only once. As they
celebrate one of the biggest events in life, it
is imperative that they have pictures during the
preparation, wedding ceremony, reception, and
after-party. And it takes a great photographer to
capture a photo of the bride in the most
heart-warming moment.
3Remember that the wedding is about the bride and
groom and not about you as a photographer. Before
the photoshoot, take time to get to know the
bride. Ask her what she personally likes to see
in the photos.
4Check the venue beforehand, so you can find the
right places to get the perfect bridal shots.
Take test shots and try out different angles.
Once the bride is in position, you cant waste
her time by being unsure. You need to be able to
completely direct her.
5Scout for potentialareas that you canuse as the
backdrop forthe bridal photos. Try to find
interesting elements and shapes that can frame
your subject. Wedding photography Sydney usually
features lush greens, the beach, and fairy lights
in the backdrop.
6No matter how good your lighting gear is, it
cant beat natural light. As much as possible,
bring the bride outdoors. You should avoid the
harsh sunlight, however, as it can create deep
shadows across the brides face.
7lat days are the best days to shoot natural light
portraits as they render pleasing soft light on
the subject. Great photos such as those captured
in wedding photography Sydney are usually
captured under the shade of a tree.
8The adage A picture speaks a thousand words is
true. The best bridal photos are those that tell
a story. While it is impossible to capture
everything in a frame, you can try to take
snapshots of the bride during her interactions
with the guests.
9For close-up shots, focusing should be locked on
the brides eyes with the bias towards the eye
closest to the lens. Its best if you use manual
focusing. However, if you are shooting the bride
while shes moving, you can set the focusing on
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