Title: Swimming pool safety rules
1Significant Swimming Pool Safety Guidelines
 Centers for Disease Control Prevention USA
says that  there are close to 3000 deaths
annually in the United States. The maximum deaths
is due to  drowning which is the leading cause of
accidental deaths.  Spending leisure time in a
swimming pool to beat the scorching summers is
becoming a tradition with most of the American
families. Â
3Highly Preventable Safety Rules
Learn Swimming This can be treated as starting
phase which can be enforced for ensuring water
safety of individuals. There are numerous
swimming pool organizations in the USA, one of
them is Pool Management Nashville , who endorse
formal swimming classes for kids as young as four
years.  Teens and adults who dont know swimming
should restrict themselves from entering or
bathing in open water without any supervision.
4Supervising  Keep in mind  Kids should never be
left unsupervised in water. According to various
sources drowning can happen in less than two
inches of water.  Drowning is a quick and silent
process as opposed to the popular belief of
drowning people making a lot of noise. When
parents supervising their kids must be
always  stay alert and vigilant at all times.
Because maximum drowning cases happen  while the
supervising adult got distracted for a
moment. Â
5Follows Lifeguards Guidelines In this case you
will find importance.  If you plan to swim other
than in your residential pool than you should
swim only in the presence of a lifeguard or in
hours when a lifeguard is on duty. Adults and
parents should ensure that their young ones who
may or may not know swimming are carefully
supervised even in the presence of a lifeguard.
6Swimming During Thunderstorms  Its not
advisable to swim during thunderstorms. If you
happen to be in the pool and listen to thunder,
immediately exit the pool following lifeguard
instructions.  Swimming when the lightning
strikes can lead to severe injury and even
death. Avoid Alcohol Drug According to Pool
Management Knoxville report that people who are
under the influence of alcohol or drugs, their
judgment and coordination ability get seriously
affected. Hence, its advised not to enter any
water body or swimming pool if youre under the
influence of alcohol.
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