Title: Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur Rajasthan
1Matrix Certification Services
- Address 637/30, Keshav Nagar, University
Road,Udaipur- 313001 (Raj.) INDIA - Phone 91-9887171455
- 91-9461784129
- Emailinfo_at_matrixcertificationservices.com
- Website http//matrixcertificationservices.com/
2Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
- Copyright has area which covers creative works by
anyone. Trademark covers any business names,
slogans etc. Patent covers ideas and inventions.
Copyright and trademark, and businesses are known
for using both to protect their logos from others.
3Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
4Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
- Trademark is about protecting things that are
important to a business and logos are most
important means of identification. Logos are
protected by trademark.
5Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
- Copyright doesnt expand to things like
names, colors, typefaces, designs, etc. trademark
does that. Trademark is more limited than
copyright, copyright is designed to save against
almost all illegal copying that isunfair,
trademark only save from use of the mark
6Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
7Logo Trademark Patent Registration in Udaipur
- A work to have safe by copyright, it should
reach a level of creativity. Every time you use
your mark, it is best to use a designation with
it. Copyright always try to save unique content
and works in every area, thats why now a days
every company uses copyright act to protect their
8Matrix Certification Services
- Address 637/30, Keshav Nagar, University
Road,Udaipur- 313001 (Raj.) INDIA - Phone 91-9887171455
- 91-9461784129
- Emailinfo_at_matrixcertificationservices.com
- Website http//matrixcertificationservices.com/