Title: ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning - snaptutorial.com
1ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 425 Week 1 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 425 Week 1
3ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 425 Week 1 iLab Transmission Line For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 425
Week 1 iLab Transmission Line
4ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 425 Week 1 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1.A cable has the
following parameters at 10 kHz Determine the
characteristic impedance, attenuation constant
(a), and phase constant (b) for this
cable. 2.Derive the expression for the
characteristic impedance of the symmetric
T-section attenuator shown in the figure below.
If R150 ? and R2100 ?, find the characteristic
impedance Ro. What is the attenuation per section
in decibels? 4.A section of a low-loss
transmission line is 0.40 wave length long and is
terminated in a short circuit. Its characteristic
impedance is 73 ohms. The frequency of operation
is 200 MHz. Determine the input impedance of the
line section.
5ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 425 Week 3 iLab Series-Parallel and Power
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE
T 425 Week 3 iLab Series-Parallel and Power
6ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
ECET 425 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1.A RADAR
transmitter has a power of 20 kW and operates at
a frequency of 10 GHz. Its signal reflects from a
target 18 km away with a radar cross section of
12.5m2. The gain of the antenna is 20dBi (G 100
nominal gain). Calculate the received power. 2.A
pulse sent from a radar returns 12 microseconds
later to the radar. How far away is the
target? 3.Police use Doppler shift radar to
determine how fast a target is moving relative to
the squad car. The Doppler shift equation is 4.If
the police squad car is driving 55 mph and the
perpetrator vehicle is driving at 65 mph in the
lane in front of the squad car, what is the
Doppler frequency shift?
7ECET 425 Course Marvelous Learning -
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....