Alcohol Counselling A to Z - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alcohol Counselling A to Z


A Look At Alcohol Counselling. The Benefits of Alcohol Counselling. What Alcohol Counselling Entails. Alcohol Counselling And Treating Addiction. Why Alcohol Counselling Is Important For The Whole Family. All You Need To Know About An Alcohol Rehab Program. Why You Should Go For The Right Alcohol Rehab Program. Why Alcohol Rehab Program Can Help You Kick Addiction. Why Your Family Should Be Involved In An Alcohol Rehab Program. Why Taking An Addict To An Alcohol Rehab Program Is Important. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: MichelMarcks
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alcohol Counselling A to Z

Alcohol Counselling A to Z
  • A Look At Alcohol Counselling
  • The Benefits of Alcohol Counselling
  • What Alcohol Counselling Entails
  • Alcohol Counselling And Treating Addiction
  • Why Alcohol Counselling Is Important For The
    Whole Family
  • All You Need To Know About An Alcohol Rehab
  • Why You Should Go For The Right Alcohol Rehab
  • Why Alcohol Rehab Program Can Help You Kick
  • Why Your Family Should Be Involved In An Alcohol
    Rehab Program
  • Why Taking An Addict To An Alcohol Rehab Program
    Is Important

A Look At Alcohol Counselling
  • Cost
  • Cost is an important factor to consider when
    looking for a rehab center. This is because
    people usually work on a specific budget.
    Therefore, it is important to go for center with
    charges that fit within your budget. However, you
    have to ensure that the fees charged augur well
    with the treatment that you are going to receive
    at the center.
  • Type of treatment
  • The second thing to consider when looking for an
    Alcohol Counselling center is the type of
    treatment offered. There are centers that have
    better services than others and it is advisable
    to go for the ones that will make you heal fast
    and in time.
  • Location of the center
  • Location of the center is also a factor to
    consider when looking for an Alcohol Counselling
    center. Some sessions require your family members
    to attend and therefore, it is important to go
    for centers that are accessible. Start by
    looking for centers that are closest to your home
    as these will provide you with convenience when
    looking for an alcohol rehabilitation center.
  • Reputation of the counsellor
  • Some counsellors have better reputations than
    others. It is therefore advisable to go for the
    ones with a track record of solving alcoholism

The Benefits of Alcohol Counselling
  • You get professional advice
  • Alcohol Counselling is done by professional
    counsellors with a lot of information and
    experience on counselling. This places them at
    the right point to offer you with counselling
    services. Counsellors are highly trained
    professionals who have received a high level of
    training in the profession. Therefore, in their
    hands, you are likely to get a proper guidance on
    how to beat addiction. Many professional
    counsellors have been trained on how to handle
    different types of cases. Alcohol Counselling
    presents you with a chance of getting proper
    counselling that will help in quick recovery.
  • Find the right solutions for your addiction
  • Alcohol addiction is one of the most challenging
    problems that people have. Luckily, you can find
    possible solutions by talking to a professional
    counsellor. This is because the counsellor can
    provide a wide range of solutions to cure the
    problem. The good thing is that, the
    professionals have been trained on how to handle
    different people. The treatment for addiction
    first starts with a counselling therapy, then
    medical treatment and lastly a physical therapy.
    This is very important for it enables you to heal
    completely from the addiction.

The Benefits of Alcohol Counselling
  • Get moral support
  • Although many addicts are willing to heal from
    their drinking problem, they lack the necessary
    moral support to continue with treatment.
    However, Alcohol Counselling service ensures that
    the patients get the necessary moral support to
    continue with treatment. In addition to
    counselling, the therapists takes time to
    correct encourage patients through the journey to
    recovery. Actually, many therapists try to show
    patients the positive side to recovery.
  • Discovery of underlying issues
  • It is through Alcohol Counselling that the
    professionals are able to identify the underlying
    issues that the patients are having. Many people
    get to drug and alcohol abuse just because of
    some issues that they have at home. However, the
    therapists can be able to identify these issues
    and treat the patients accordingly so that they
    can avoid a relapse. It has been established
    that a quarter of the patients who get treated at
    the hospital for alcoholism gets back into
    relapse months after leaving the centers. As a
    result, the therapy plays a big role in
    preventing that situation.

What Alcohol Counselling Entails
  • Preparation stage
  • Alcohol counselling happens in different stages.
    First the counsellor attempts to calm down the
    addict so that he can be in the mood for
    counselling. It is very difficult to deal with an
    addict that is not willing to be counselled and
    this stage makes the process easy. In this stage,
    the counsellor briefs the patient on the benefits
    of receiving counselling and alcohol related
    treatment. The counsellor also looks at the
    condition of the patient before deciding whether
    to go on with the counselling or not.
  • The actual counselling
  • When the time for the counselling session comes,
    the patient meets with the counsellor to talk
    about the real issues. There are many things that
    a counsellor looks at during a counselling
    session. First, the counsellor seeks to find out
    whether the patient has accepted to reform. This
    is a very important point because you cannot
    change without having accepted to. The counsellor
    therefore asks several questions to establish
  • Secondly, the counsellor finds out the reasons
    why the patient became a drunkard. There are
    many reasons why someone may decide to become a
    drunkard. Factors such as social pressure, home
    problems, job issues and others may prompt
    someone to become a drunkard.

Alcohol Counselling And Treating Addiction
  • Alcoholism is a disease
  • Many experts believe that alcoholism is a serious
    disease that can only be solved through therapy.
    They believe that there is no medication that can
    cure this disease. Since alcoholism is a serious
    disease, addicts can only stop when they receive
    the right therapy. This is very important for it
    can enable them to heal in time. On the other
    hand, there are people who take alcohol beyond
    the recommended levels but can still stop when
    they feel like. This does not make them alcoholic
    but instead serial drinkers. The difference
    between serial drinkers and alcoholics is that
    the former can be able to control their drinking
    while the latter cannot. N fact, an alcoholic
    can suffer from serious withdrawal symptoms if
    they do not consume alcohol for long periods of
    time. On the other hand, there are drunkards who
    take alcohol in order to drown their anger or
    sorrow but when it comes to an alcoholic, he can
    consume alcohol for years without stopping.
    Therefore, an alcoholic is in a bad condition and
    can only stop drinking after receiving the
    necessary help.
  • The treatment
  • As we look at Alcohol Counselling and treatment,
    it is important to realize that this is a problem
    with the drunkard himself and not the alcohol.
    Many people think that alcoholism is caused by
    drinking but this is not the case. The drinking
    part is only a symptom that manifests on the
    alcoholic. To solve the problem, you need to
    tackle the drinking as a symptom and the drunkard
    as the cause. Rehabilitation and Alcohol
    Counselling centers remain as the best place to
    receive treatment for alcoholism.

Why Alcohol Counselling Is Important For The
Whole Family
  • Initial counselling
  • Initial counselling is very important for
    recovering addicts and their families. This is
    because the treatment offered is able to guide
    family members on what they are supposed to do
    when assisting their family members. In
    addition, it sets the mood for total recovery.
    Also, it is during the initial counselling that
    patients are introduced to different modes of
    treatments. There are some procedures that
    involve reducing the amount of alcohol intake
    until the patient can do without any dependence
    on alcohol. On the other hand there are therapies
    that involve total abstinence from alcohol
    throughout the treatment period. Whatever the
    type of therapy, patients are advised to take the
    initial therapy treatment with a lot of
  • Environment
  • There are many places where you can get alcohol
    rehabilitation services. This may come in the
    form of both private and public establishments
    where you can receive treatment. Also, you may be
    treated in groups or as an individual with the
    help of family members. Whichever the case,
    Alcohol Counselling brings a lot of benefits to
    the patient while at the same time helping family
    members know what to do with their recovering
    loved ones.

Why Alcohol Counselling Is Important For The
Whole Family
  • On the other hand, there are community based
    treatments that are dependent on behavioural
    therapies, depression treatment and
    psychotherapies. Such treatments are very
    important for they can help you in recovering
    from drug addiction with ease. You can also get
    the services in different outpatient points at
    hospitals and if you like, you can get the same
    services the local private hospitals.
  • Treatment procedure
  • Different rehabilitation centers have different
    types of treatments for alcoholism. However, the
    chosen method might be dictated by the level of
    addiction, the age of the patient and their
    health status. In addition to the alcohol
    treatment, Alcohol Counselling is very important
    as it ensure that the treatment goes on smoothly.
    Whether you are looking to get your life back
    together or heal from the effects of alcoholism,
    Alcohol Counselling is a very important part of
    the process. It ensures that you get to
    understand what is happening.

All You Need To Know About An Alcohol Rehab
  • Psychosocial analysis
  • Psychosocial analysis is very important in
    looking at the state of the addict. First, it is
    used to determine their attitude towards
    treatment and alcoholism in general. Many
    therapists use this chance to rate the patient in
    terms of mental condition, level of addiction as
    well as readiness for healing. The main causes of
    addiction are also identified at this stage which
    includes suppressed emotions, family conflict,
    depression and others. You will also be briefed
    on treatment at this stage
  • Detoxification
  • For you to heal from alcohol addiction, it is
    important to be detoxed of the effects of alcohol
    through the use of drugs and other medications.
    This process is fast and requires commitment on
    the part of the patent as well as the therapist.
    If you were to go home to receive the treatment,
    family members are advised on how you are
    supposed to take medications. This is important
    for it will from the basis for healing.

All You Need To Know About An Alcohol Rehab
  • Rehabilitation
  • It is important for an addict to understand the
    process of healing. This is only possible through
    the process of rehabilitation where therapists
    checks to see the progress that the addict is
    making in the time of treatment. The process of
    rehabilitation also involves learning about
    alcoholism and what it can do to your life. When
    you have the best understanding about that, you
    are able to abstain from taking alcohol. The good
    thing with this type of treatment is that it
    focuses on individual needs of the patient.
  • Counselling
  • Counselling is an important part of healing from
    alcohol addiction because it helps in
    understanding the patient. Normally, counselling
    sessions are held in the private where addicts
    are taken through the process of treatment and n
    return, the therapist learns a lot about the
    addict. For example, the therapist may seek to
    know why the patent got into alcoholism in the
    first place. Also, there are sessions when your
    family is involved. Such times help in
    enlightening them about your case and how they
    can help you.

Why You Should Go For The Right Alcohol Rehab
  • Getting the right evaluation. The best Alcohol
    Rehab Programs have an evaluation phase where
    therapists look to discover the causes of
    alcoholism. The therapist sits down with the
    patient in order to discuss issues pertaining
    treatment. He asks the patient about the
    experiences that they may be having in regard to
    the treatment being offered and thus, he is able
    to rate the service being offered. Also, he may
    discuss with the patient issues regarding the
    causes of addiction.
  • The right program also has detoxification phase
    where patients retreated using medications in
    order to remove withdrawal symptoms of the
    alcohol consumed. This is a very important
    process for it cleanses the body of toxins caused
    by excessive consumption of alcohol. The right
    Alcohol Rehab Program should have high quality
    medications that are tailor made to make patients
    heal from the effects of addiction. Furthermore,
    the treatment involves strong medications that
    help the body heal of alcoholism.

Why You Should Go For The Right Alcohol Rehab
  • After the process of detoxification, the patient
    is taken through the rehabilitation phase where
    he is taught about the benefits of Alcohol Rehab
    Programs. Furthermore, the phase involves
    encouragement that ensures that the patient quits
    alcoholism altogether. This is very important for
    it reduces chances of a relapse. He is also
    taught on the benefits of abstinence from alcohol
    and staying sober. In time, he is advised on the
    how to make the program work. Many therapists
    also try to break through the phase of denial at
    this point.
  • Patients are also taken through counselling to
    determine their progress and take f life. Through
    this phase, the addicts are taught about the
    importance of remaining sober through the
    treatment process as well as being positive on
    how they take life. Sometimes, the family of the
    patient is included in the discussions so as to
    help them in knowing how t welcomes the patient
    back home.

Why Alcohol Rehab Program Can Help You Kick
  • Most Alcohol Rehab Programs are designed to
    produce results within the shortest time
    possible. From their design, the addicts are
    forced to stop drinking in the time frame
    provided and thus, we can say that they are
    result oriented. The patient begins with an
    evaluation that helps the professionals rate
    their stand and possible healing. Then, the
    patients are taken through a detox process that
    involves the use of medications to achieve the
    desired results. This process is simple as all
    is needed is to take the medications as
    prescribed by the professional.
  • The next point is the rehabilitation process
    where patients are taught how to avoid a relapse
    when undergoing treatment at the center. This is
    important for it enables the patient to heal
    completely from their addiction. Counselling
    follows at this stage. This process enables the
    patient to understand the treatment process and
    in time be well aligned to receive treatment.
    Sometimes, the professionals many involve family
    members in order to teach them how to handle the
    addict. Lastly, group therapy follows where the
    patients are taken through healing as a group.
    This enables them t get motivation from each
    other and when you have a challenge, the other
    patients as well as the therapists can help you
    tackle it. This is done without any judgment or

Why Your Family Should Be Involved In An Alcohol
Rehab Program
  • Takes care of the addict when he gets back home
  • One of the reasons why you should include your
    family members in the treatment process is
    because they are able to offer support to the
    alcoholic. They can even take time to support the
    alcoholic when he comes back home. When you
    finally come back home, you will have to live
    with your family. Therefore, they should be able
    to take care of you when you are back at home.
    This makes things easy for the alcoholic. That is
    why rehab centers call family members during
    counselling sessions. They are taught how to
    avoid judging the addict as well as how to help
    and motivate them when they are n pain. Addicts
    suffer a lot when they develop withdrawal
    symptoms. Addicts take months and even years to
    completely heal from the addiction. This requires
    a lot of patience and dedication from the people
    assisting the addict. Therefore, the counselling
    sessions play a major role in the treatment of
    the addicts.
  • Helps motivate the patient
  • Family members have an important role to play
    when motivating patients so that they can heal
    from their addiction. Treatment process can be
    very challenging and difficult

Why Your Family Should Be Involved In An Alcohol
Rehab Program
  • Therefore, it is important to make family members
    part of the process. When you attend counselling
    sessions, you are taught on ways of motivating
    your loved one to beat addiction. This is very
    important for it enables him to find the energy
    to continue wit treatment. Many people find that
    it is very challenging to cope with the changes
    that come after quitting alcohol. The part that
    requires a lot of motivation is the healing and
    withdrawal period.
  • Avoiding a relapse
  • Professionals have stated that a large number of
    addicts fall back into addiction just weeks after
    leaving addiction center because of lack of
    focus. Therefore, it is important to train family
    members on ways of avoiding a relapse as this is
    the only way to keep your loved one sober after
    recovery. Many professional therapists know how
    to advise family members on ways preventing the
    patient from falling into a relapse. This helps a
    lot in enhancing their healing process.
    Therefore, t is advisable for all family members
    to attend counselling sessions that they have
    been invited to.

Why Taking An Addict To An Alcohol Rehab Program
Is Important
  • They will get proper care
  • Rehab centers have professional therapists who
    are highly trained and experienced on how to take
    care of recovering addicts the professionals take
    the addicts through recovery programs that
    involve several steps including detoxification,
    rehabilitation, and group therapy as well as
    counselling. That is a procedure that you cannot
    be able to follow at home and thus, it is
    important to consider getting the right treatment
    at the rehab centers. In order to make your loved
    one heal in fastest time possible, it is
    advisable to get them to a rehab center where
    they can be catered for by professionals.
  • Give you peace of mind
  • Taking care of an addict at home can be very
    demanding. Unfortunately, you will need to take
    care of your loved one at home for long periods
    of time and this might because youre other
    ambitions to stall. However, sending the addict
    to a rehab center can give you peace of mind
    especially knowing that your loved one is being
    taken care of by professionals. As a result, you
    will be able to do other projects that you have
    without feeling weighed down by the addict.
  • Get the addict a quick recovery
  • The good thing with Alcohol Rehab Programs is
    that they are able to get an addict back up in
    the shortest time possible. This saves your time
    and money especially considering that the addict
    requires a lot of attention. If you want your
    patient to heal fast, consider taking him into a
    reliable Alcohol Rehab center.

The End
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