Title: BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
1BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
2BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Assignment 4 Technical and Cost or Price
Evaluations and Price Reasonableness (Str) For
more course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS
501 Assignment 4 Technical and Cost or Price
Evaluations and Price Reasonableness Business -
General Business Assignment 4 Technical and Cost
or Price Evaluations and Price ReasonablenessDue
Week 8 and worth 130 points
3BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Entire Course (Str) For more course
tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501 Week 3
Assignment 1 The Independent Government Cost
Estimate and the Statement of Work (Str
Course) BUS 501 Week 4 Assignment 2 Types of
Contracts and Performance-Based Acquisition (Str
Course) BUS 501 Week 7 Assignment 3 Small
Business Program and Source Selection Plans (Str
4BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Discussion1 "Independent Government Cost
Estimate (IGCE)" Evaluate sources of data for the
IGCE and examine the areas
5BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 2 Discussion 1 Examine the
components of a SOW for the purpose of open
competition without restrictive provisions.
Select a field that you are interested in and
determine the information that would be included
in a SOW for a contract in
6BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 3 Assignment 1 The Independent
Government Cost Estimate and the Statement of
Work (Str) For more course tutorials
visit www.bus501.com BUS 501 Week 3 Assignment
1 The Independent Government Cost Estimate and
the Statement of Work Business - General
Business Assignment 1 The Independent Government
Cost Estimate and the Statement of WorkDue Week
3 and worth 100 points
7BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Week 3 Discussion 1 From the
e-Activity, examine the different types of
contracts and provide a scenario for each
type.Assess the
8BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 4 Assignment 2 Types of Contracts
and Performance-Based Acquisition (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 4 Assignment 2 Types of Contracts and
Performance-Based Acquisition Business - General
Business Assignment 2 Types of Contracts and
Performance-Based AcquisitionDue Week 4 and
worth 110 points
9BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.bus501.com Week 4
Discussion "Federal Small Business Program"
Please respond to the following From the
e-Activity, examine the requirements and
qualifications for Native American contracts.
Next, compare the Native American
10BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 5 Discussion 1 \ "Source Selection
and Technical Evaluation Plans" Please respond to
the following From the first e-Activity,
assess the purpose of the evaluation plan. Create
a scenario of a proposal evaluation, including
the duration of the contract and the type of
11BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 6 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 6 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 6 Discussion 1
12BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 7 Assignment 3 Small Business
Program and Source Selection Plans (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 7 Assignment 3 Small Business Program and
Source Selection Plans Business - General
Business Assignment 3 Small Business Program and
Source Selection PlansDue Week 7 and worth 130
13BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 7 Discussion 1 Determining
Responsibility" Please respond to the following
14BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 8 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 8 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 8 Discussion 1 "Announcing
Contract Awards" Please respond to the
following From the e-Activity, propose three
ways that you could utilize the FedBizOpps
Website to search for request for
15BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 9 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 9 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 9 Discussion 1 "Federal Supply
Schedule Program and Price Reductions" Please
respond to the following
16BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 10 Assignment Announcing Contract
Awards and Responsibilities of the COR (2
Papers) For more course tutorials
visit www.bus501.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Assignment 5 Announcing Contract Award
and Responsibilities of the Contracting Officers
17BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com
BUS 501 Week 10 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (Str) For more
course tutorials visit www.bus501.com BUS 501
Week 10 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Business - General
Business Week 10 Discussion 1 "Contract
Surveillance" Please respond to the following
From the e-Activity, determine the surveillance
methods that are best suited for a construction
contract or
18BUS 501 Successful Learning / bus501.com