Title: Francisco Faraco From Scarsdale, NY
1Francisco Faraco
Founder Managing Partner at Faraco Partners,
2Francisco Faraco is a Chartered Financial Analyst
(CFA) Charter holder from Chartered Financial
Analyst Institute Charlottesville. He has done
his masters Degree in financial mathematics from
the University of Chicago.
3He did another degree in Master of Arts in
Economics from American University Washington. He
also holds the degree of BBA in Banking and
Finance from Universidad Metro Metropolitana
Caracas, Venezuela.
4Francisco Faracohas accumulated experience in the
field of Investment Advisement. He began his
professional career by working as a Prop Trader
at Eurobanco in Venezuela. He has had worked as a
Portfolio Manager at Merrill Lynch as well.
5Francisco Faracohas given his services for 6
years at J.P. Morgan offering Investment Advice
to Private Clients in the US and Mexico.
6He added honored positions of Executive Director
and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley in New
York to his experience list. Moreover, he managed
the accounts for High Net Worth Individuals
7Francisco Faraco provides his consultancy
services in the areas of Investment Management,
Trading, Portfolio Management, and Financial
8Francisco Faraco has a distinction of being a
founder and managing partner of Faraco Partners,
LLC. He is also a brilliant speaker.
9He elaborates the topics of Investment and
Financial Management at seminars and workshops
very well.
10Thank You