Title: Microsoft Dynamics AX Consultant - DFSM Consulting
1- DFSM Consulting is an Australian owned and
operated company with focus on Microsoft Dynamics
AX, which is a solution for mid-large
organizations. With our head office in Sydney and
branches in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, San
Francisco (U.S.) and Karachi (Pakistan), we are a
complete one-stop-shop for all of your ERP needs
wherever you are on the globe.
2As a Microsoft Partner, DFSM Consulting provides
analysis, design, deployment, implementation,
Upgrade, help desk support of Microsoft Dynamics
AX. For more info, Contact us today!
3Improve your Industry's performance through
Microsoft Dynamics 365 that deliver insight in
the moment and transparency throughout your
cycle. It Improves your Business profitability
with Microsoft Dynamics for your Data Warehousing
Distribution Industry.
4Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and
communication of meaningful patterns in data.
Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded
information, analytics relies on the simultaneous
5Sydney (Head Office) Level 17, 9 Castlereagh
Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel 61 -2- 8091
4240Email Sydney_at_DFSM.com.au
San Francisco Suite 2710, 101 California St, San
Francisco, CA 94111 Tel 1 323 522 5414 1 415
800 3276Email Info_at_dfsm.us
To know more Info, Visit at https//dfsm.com.au/