LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com


This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Papers for each Assignment LDR 531 Week 1 Personal Leadership Evaluation LDR 531 Week 2 Assignment Comparing Leadership Models 1 LDR 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment Communications Challenges and Strategies – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com

LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 All Assignments (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   This Tutorial
contains 2 Set of Papers for each Assignment LDR
531 Week 1 Personal Leadership Evaluation LDR
531 Week 2 Assignment Comparing Leadership Models
1 LDR 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Communications Challenges and Strategies LDR 531
Week 3 Team communication Challenges Conversation
(Mc Donalds) LDR 531 Week 4 Signature Assignment
Outer Game and Inner Game 2 LDR 531 Week 5
Individual Assignment Strategic Change Case Study
Essay LDR 531 Week 5 Team Creative Organizations
and Strategic Change LDR 531 Week 6 Individual
Assignment Leading Organizational Change
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Assignment Comparing Leadership Models (2
PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com
  This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations Product
Description Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is to provide the student with an
opportunity to understand and analyze the
Universal Model of Leadership in the text, and
compare it to one other model to see the
similarities and differences. Assignment Steps
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation
to compare the Universal Model of Leadership in
Mastering Leadership to one other leadership
model. Include the following Include a graphic
to compare and contrast those two models, noting
similarities and differences. Develop your
conclusions regarding the significance of those
models in business. How might they apply? Include
detailed speaker notes, supporting citations, and
references. Format your assignment consistent
with APA guidelines.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Assignment Individual Change
Implementation The ADKAR Model FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   LDR 531 Assignment
Individual Change Implementation The ADKAR Model
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Entire Course (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  LDR 531 Week 1
Quiz LDR 531 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531
Week 1 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 2
Mentorship Agreement Form LDR 531 Week 2
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 2
Individual Assignment Professional Development
Plan LDR 531 Week 2 LT Reflection LDR 531 Week 2
Quiz LDR 531 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 LDR 531
Week 2 Discussion Question 2 LDR 531 Week 3
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet LDR 531 Week 3
Individual Assignment Leadership Style Paper LDR
531 Week 3 LT Reflection
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Final Exam Guide (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  1. Job dissatisfaction
and antagonistic relationships with coworkers
predict a variety of behaviors organizations find
undesirable, including unionization attempts,
substance abuse, undue socializing, and
tardiness. These behaviors are indicators of a
broader syndrome called 2. Organizational
momentum ________________. 3. Some studies
indicate the best approach for transformational
change may have the chief executive officer
create an atmosphere for change 4. Which of the
following actions best represents Kellys high
job involvement? 5. The concept that some
leadership attributes will work in some
situations but not in others can be described by
the 6. You manage a department of four
employees. You have identified that Joe has a
high need for achievement. Mary has a high need
for power, and Tim has a high need for
affiliation. Sarah scored high on the need for
power and low on the need for affiliation.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Final Exam Guide FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  1) Which of the
following is best defined as a consciously
coordinated social unit, composed of two or more
people, which functions on a relatively
continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set
of goals? A. Party B. Unit C. Community
D. Organization   2) Over the past 2 decades,
business schools have added required courses on
organizational design to many of their curricula.
Why have they done this? A. Managers no longer
need technical skills in subjects such as
economics and accounting to succeed. B.
Managers need to understand human behavior if
they are to be effective.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Individual Assignment Communications
Challenges and Strategies (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is to provide students
with an opportunity to apply communications
theories, research, and conversation with class
colleagues to actual business situations, through
the development of applicable strategies.
Assignment Steps Read Case 2 Global Shared
Services, McDonald's Corporation located in
Mastering Leadership. Analyze in 1,050 to 1,225
words the communications and group behavioral
issues that might arise in an organization hiring
employees for their first job based on the
discussion from your learning team. Include a
strategy to address these challenges. Format your
assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Individual Assignment Leading
Organizational Change FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an
opportunity for the student to integrate and
apply the individual and organizational
leadership learning from this course by
developing a plan for organizational change.
Assignment Steps Review course assignments for
Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering
Leadership Self-Assessment taken in Week 1.
Select an organizational change in your company
or one you know. Develop a 1,050-word analysis
designing the action plan for you, as a leader,
to address the organizational change. Include the
following, in any sequence you choose 1.
Identify the organizational change process steps
you would take and prioritize the order in which
you would take them. 2. Include both individual
and organizational leadership actions. 3.
Scholarly citations must be given to support your
rationale and proposed actions. Format your
assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Individual Assignment Strategic Change
Case Study Essay (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  This Tutorial contains
2 Papers Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is to provide a chance for the
student to examine an existing organization and
apply research to identify opportunities for
strategic change. Assignment Steps Develop a
1,050-word essay to identify one global creative
organization, as defined in Ch. 10 and 11 of
Mastering Leadership. Analyze the opportunities
for strategic change that are evident, citing
evidence. Include considerations of culture and
structure in addressing those opportunities.
Include the following Identify one
organization that could be considered creative,
based on definitions in Mastering Leadership.
Determine whether or not you believe the
organization meets those criteria. Explain why.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Signature Assignment Outer Game and Inner
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   This Tutorial
contains 2 Presentation About Your Signature
Assignment This signature assignment is designed
to align with specific program student learning
outcome(s) in your program. Program Student
Learning Outcomes are broad statements that
describe what students should know and be able to
do upon completion of their degree. The signature
assignments may be graded with an automated
rubric that allows the University to collect data
that can be aggregated across a location or
college/school and used for program improvements.
Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this
assignment is to provide students an opportunity
to apply research on motivation and satisfaction
to the analysis of their individual behavior and
environment. Assignment Steps Create an 8- to
10-slide PowerPoint presentation describing your
Outer Game and Inner Game.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Identify
specific ways in which your organization acquires
and shares knowledge or information? Is this
information communicated through official or
unofficial leaders?
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   What is the
difference between managers and leaders? Is it
possible to be an effective manager without being
a leader? Be sure to support your answer.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 1 Personal Leadership Evaluation (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.co
m  This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to
provide students with an opportunity to reflect
on their personal leadership styles at the
beginning of the class, as a basis for class
learning. Assignment Steps Resources Mastering
Leadership Self-Assessment Take the Mastering
Leadership Self-Assessment. Create a 1,400-word
analysis based on the assessment, text, video,
and any other information you wish including
Explain how you view your strengths and
weaknesses, along with a development plan to
address both. Be specific, and explain your
rationale based on the text and video, with cited
evidence. You will use this assignment as a
reference for the assignments in Weeks 2-6. You
will be required to take the Mastering Leadership
Self-Assessment listed in the Resources. Format
your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 1 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   1) Those with a
________ personality identity opportunities, show
initiative, take action, and preserver until
meaningful change occurs, compared to others who
passively react to situations 2) _______ is
an extrinsic means of motivation. 3) Which
dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of
reliability? 4) Which of the following is
Theory X consistent with? 5) Which of the
following is an instrumental value according to
the Rokeach value survey? 6) Which of the
following refers to the tendency to be arrogant,
have a grandiose sense of self-importance,
require excessive admiration, and have a sense of
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   What are the
differences between people oriented and task
oriented leadership styles? Explain the
similarities and differences in the leadership
styles of women and men. Be sure to support your
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   What are the
benefits of minimizing organizational politics?
Give two examples of how your organization could
minimize organizational politics.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 Individual Assignment Professional
Development Plan (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Assume you are the
manager of your learning team and need to develop
a plan that will address the characteristics of
your group and yourself as the leader. This plan
can be used to determine the needs of the
learning team and is a tool for members to assess
their skills, strengths, areas needing
improvement, and the resources needed to help
them reach their career goals. Use each Learning
Team members DiSC assessment results completed
in Week One. Develop a combined DiSC chart of
your Learning Team members for use in developing
this paper. Based on the individual assessments,
what are the characteristics of your team?
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 LT Reflection (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Discuss this
weeks objectives with your team. Your discussion
should include the topics you feel comfortable
with, any topics you struggled with, and how the
weekly topics relate to application in your
field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper
detailing the findings of your discussion.   Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit your
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 LT Reflection (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Discuss this
weeks objectives with your team. Your discussion
should include the topics you feel comfortable
with, any topics you struggled with, and how the
weekly topics relate to application in your
field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper
detailing the findings of your discussion.   Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit your
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com
  Complete the University Material Week 2
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.   Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 2 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   1) The
leadership process that describes how a group
operates in an open system with other groups is
called 2) Ideological leaders will develop
when the leader 3) Effective
transformational leaders 4) Transformational
behavior can include 5) The concept that
some people are natural (born) leaders is an
attribute of which leadership approach? 6)
Distant charismatics are often described in
terms of their effect on follower 7) Which
statement about transformational and charismatic
leadership is most accurate? 8) One unique
characteristic of followers in leadership theory
is 9) CEOs who exhibit charismatic
characteristics were noted to
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   How would you
modify your communication style to better
accommodate team or group members with
contrasting communication styles? Be sure to
provide specific examples.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Evaluate how
a company structures or uses groups or teams. Do
you feel the organization would be a good fit for
you based on what you learned through the
Williams assessment? Why or why not?
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment Leadership
Style Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guid
e.com  Select and describe a leader you admire.
Your selected leader may be either a real-life
individual or a fictional character from
television, the movies, or a book. Using
leadership theories, nalyse your selected leader
to identify characteristics and provide specific
examples of leadership qualities you think
contributed to that persons success. Evaluate
your own leadership style and work with your
mentor to identify your own leadership
characteristics. Write a paper in which you
explain your leadership style and your ideas and
plans for improving your effectiveness as a
leader based on your comparison with an admired
leader and your work with your mentor. Required
Elements No more than 1050 words Format your
paper consistent with APA guidelines
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 LT Reflection (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Discuss and
choose, as a Learning Team, the most important
barrier that you think creates a communication
challenge within groups and teams, as highlighted
in the Barriers to Effective Communication
section in Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior. Why
did your team choose this particular barrier and
how does it create a communication challenge?
Provide real-life examples you may have
experienced regarding this particular
barrier.   Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper
detailing the findings of your discussion.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com
  Complete the University Material Week 3
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.   Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  1) Which of the
following terms best describes that occurs when
two or more parties decided how to allocate
scarce resource? 2) Shirley Shands is a hard
worker but Debra, her manger, is irritated with
her. While Debra concedes that Shirleys work
gives her no cause for complaint, Debra is toured
of the interruptions in her work because of
Shirley asking for repeated clarifications over
what exactly she has to say in e-mails or phone
calls. She often requests Debra to proofread her
e-mails before sending them, and Debra feels she
sends too many e-mails instead of just speaking
to the person concerned. From the scenario, we
can conclude that_____ 3) The two general
approaches to negotiation are_______ bargaining
and _____ bargaining 4) Which of the
following forms of communication is characterized
by the use of only body movements, intonations,
facial expressions, and physical distance to
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 3 Team communication Challenges
Conversation (Mc Donalds) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide
students an opportunity to apply communication
theories and research to actual business
situations. The discussion with other learning
team members is designed to identify and consider
different perspectives. Assignment Steps Read
Case 2 Global Shared Services, McDonald's
Corporation, located in Mastering Leadership.
Discuss in your learning team the communications
and group behavioral
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   How does goal
setting motivate an employee to increase job
performance? Give an example.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   In what type
of organization do you think your leadership
style would be most effective, and in what
organization would it be least effective? Compare
and contrast these two types of organizations.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com
  Complete the University Material Week 4
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.   Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 4 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   1) Why is
Maslows theory criticized? 2) ________ are
caused by a specific event, are very brief, and
accompanied by distinct facial expressions. 3)
Which of the following statements is true
regarding goal-setting theory? 4) Tiffany
Crowe works as a showroom executive at a clothing
boutique in London. Today, she is in a positive
mood and instantly greets and smiles at a
customer who walks into the store. The customer
feels welcomed by her response. While browsing
the store, Crowe helps the customer with product
and passes on her positive mood to the customer.
The customer leaves the store feeling content
with a smile on her face. Which of the following
best describes this situation?
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 4 Team Assignment Conflict
Resolution (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   As you continue to
develop in your career, you will find that your
responsibilities as a leader will increase. You
will be tasked with many different jobs, such as
managing conflict, handling communication
challenges among your team members, or addressing
organizational communication needs. As you know,
no employee likes to speak up only to have his or
her ideas not taken seriously, or to confront
others about their working styles, or to face
uncomfortable gossip among coworkers. View the
LDR/531 Storybooks. Develop a summary of no more
than 1,050 words that includes multiple ways to
handle the three situations shown in the
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   How could
leaders increase learning and innovation in the
workplace? Give an example.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   What are the
different reasons for resisting change in the
workplace and how could leaders go about creating
employee buy-in to change? Give an example.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Individual Assignment Motivation
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Use the DiSC
assessment results from your Learning Team
members. Interview your mentor to gather
information about your mentors organization, the
department your mentor works in, and his or her
job description. Write a plan that may be applied
to your mentors department and that would
increase your Learning Team members motivation,
satisfaction, and performance based on their
personal profiles, as if they were employees of
that department. Required Elements No more than
1400 words
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 LT Reflection (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Complete the
360 assessment. Discuss the benefits of using
this assessment as a tool. Prepare a 350- to
1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the
360 assessment.   Clickthe Assignment Files tab
to submit your assignment
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  
Complete the University Material Week 5
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.   Clickthe
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  1) Which of the
following is an example of an individual source
of resistance to change? 2) Strategy of
differentiation consists of which of the
following? 3) Culture is most likely to be a
liability when 4) Which of the following is
the last step in Kotters eight-step plan for
implementing change? 5) A(n) ______ strategy
emphasizes the introduction of major new products
and services. 6) _______ are persons who act
as catalysts and assume the responsibility for
managing refinement activities. 7) Which of
the following is typically a characteristic of
the mechanistic model of organization?
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 5 Team Creative Organizations and
Strategic Change FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide
students an opportunity to apply research
definitions of a creative organization to real
life examples. Assignment Steps Identify and
discuss several global creative organizations
using the criteria and descriptions in Ch. 10 and
11 of Mastering Leadership. Include the strategic
opportunities for change the organizations have.
Each member must post at least two substantive
comments (minimum 350 words each) to the learning
team discussion area
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 6 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   How has the
structure of todays archetypal, large
organization changed from the typical
organization of the past? What is the most
significant event in the evolution of
organizational structure? Be sure to support your
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 6 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   How could
socialization be compared to brainwashing and how
can socialization be used ethically within an
organization? Give an example.  
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 6 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ldr531guide.com  
Complete the University Material Week 6
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.   Clickthe
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 6 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   1)
Transformational change in an organization 2)
Political behavior in the work place 3)
Hard power tactics best influence those with
which following characteristic? 4) A person
likely to participate in political behavior 5)
Buck passing and scapegoating when politics is
seen as a threat are forms of 6) Politicking
is less likely in organizations that have 7)
Central to managing a successful organizational
strategy implements are/is 8) With downward
influence, power tactics preferred by U.S
managers include 9) A primary goal of
politics in the work place is to
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
LDR 531 Week 6 Team Assignment Failure Analysis
and Change Strategy (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.ldr531guide.com   While there is no
blueprint or checklist that one can follow to
guarantee the success of a business, much can be
learned from analyzing those that have failed and
those that have flourished during the same time
period and under similar circumstances. Write a
paper of no more than 2,000 words. Part 1
Business Failure Analysis Select a business that
failed and one that succeeded within the last 5
years. Identify each organizations objectives,
vision, and mission. Determine the indicators of
the business failure and success from research.
These may include aspects of the leadership
style, communication, structure, and so forth.
LDR 531 GUIDE Predictable World /ldr531guide.com
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