Title: Terence Killen - Head Tennis Professional
1Terence Killen
Head Tennis Professional
2About Terence Killen
Head Tennis Professional, Westwood Country Club
Former Assistant Tennis Professional, River Falls
Swim and Tennis Club
3Terence Killen, a Professional Tennis Teacher, is
currently working as the Vice President for the
USPTA Mid-Atlantic Division Board and as a vital
part of the Nominating Committee for the MAPTA
Hall of Fame.
4Terence Killen began his professional experience
by doing an internship at Bellevue Club. Later,
he increased his experience by working as an
Assistant Racquet and Sports Director at McLean
Racquet and Health Club.
5Then, he proceeded in his career by working as
Assistant Tennis Professional at River Falls Swim
and Tennis Club. Now, he works at the Westwood
Country Club as Head Tennis Professional.
6Terence Killen has earned many titles with his
arduous work. He has been USPTA Virginia Pro of
the Year 2012, Varsity Tennis Team Frostburg
State University from 1999 2002, Frostburg
State University Most Valuable Player in 1999,
2000, and 2002, Frostburg State University Most
Outstanding Player for 2001, and Allegheny
Mountain Collegiate Conference Player of the Year
7Moreover, Terence Killen succeeded to set
Frostburg State University and Allegheny Mountain
Collegiate Conference records in career, singles,
and doubles wins.
8Terence Killen has done his Graduation by earning
Degree in Bachelor of Science in Recreation and
Parks Management from Frostburg State University,
Frostburg, Maryland.
9Thank You