Title: Linux Training in Chandigarh (1)
1Linux Training in Chandigarh
- Linux is the best-known and most-used open
source operating system. As an operating system,
Linux Is software that sits underneath all of the
other software on a computer, receiving requests
from those programs and relaying these requests
to the computer's hardware.
3Contents of Linux
MultiprogrammingLinux is a multiprogramming
system means multiple applications can run at
same time. ShellLinux provides a special
interpreter program which can be used to execute
commands of the operating system.It can be used
to do various type of operations,call application
programs etc. SecurityLinux provides user
security using authentication features like
password protection/controlled access to specific
files/encryption of data.
5What is LILO
- LILO is Linux Loader is a boot loader for Linux.
It is used to load Linux into the memory and
start the Operating system. LILO can be
configured to boot other operating systems as
well. LILO is customizable, which means that if
the default configuration is not correct, it can
be changed. Config file for LILO is lilo.conf.
6CBitss Technologies
CBitss Technologies
SCO23-24-25 Level-3 Near Old Passport
Office Sector34A Chandigarh
Website https//rhce-linux-training-in-chandigar
7CBitss Technologies