Title: PHP Training in Chandigarh (2)
1PHP Training in Chandigarh
2How PHP Better than other language
PHP was initially started as C Shells for the web
programming and performing other small chores.
But today it has evolved as an efficient and
effective web programming language that is at the
same time is easy to understand and implement.The
extent of the popularity of the PHP language can
be seen from the fact that most of the websites
in today scenario are built on the PHP
Frameworks. Even the most popular social
networking website Facebook is built on the PHP
frameworks. Now, here we are giving you some of
the features of this language that has been
inspired from the others languages like C, Java
or Python.
3 Server / Client Environment
- A client-server network is designed for
end-users, called clients, to access resources
such as files, songs, video collections, or some
other service from a central computer called a
server. A server's sole purpose is to do what its
name implies - serve its clients!
4 Types
of Web Browser and Web Server
- A web server is a computer system that processes
requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol
used to distribute information on the World Wide
Web. The term can refer to the entire system, or
specifically to the software that accepts and
supervises the HTTP requests. - A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser)
is a software application for retrieving,
presenting and traversing information resources
on the World Wide Web.
5 Server side V/s Client side
6Difference between PHP4.0, PHP5.0 and PHP6.0
- There are substantial differences between PHP 4
and PHP 5. Most of the hype was around the new
object model, which was completely rewritten in
PHP5. The PHP 5 version is much more complete,
and performs much better as well. In PHP 4,
objects were really just primitive data types,
and were referenced by value. In an attempt to
retain as much backward compatibility as possible
in PHP 5 allows compatibility with the version 4
methods. lt/ligtlt/ulgtltulgtltligtWith the release of
PHP 5 in 2004, PHP programmers finally had the
power to code like the Java and C, PHP finally
had a complete OOP infrastructure.
lt/ligtlt/ulgtltulgtltligtPHP 6 has more features of
object Oriented Concepts.
7Contact Us
Reach Us SCO-23,24,25, CBitss Technologies,
Sector 34a, Chandigarh Call Us
9914641983 Email Us navneetlinuxexpert_at_gmail.co
m Visit Us http//cbitss.com/php-training-in-cha
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