Title: How To Do Your Own Steel Doors Repair
1Ho To Do Your Own Steel Doors Repair Steel doors
are everywhere round you, in fact you might be
surprised at how common they are. They are often
used to provide a high level of security on the
entrance to your home or office. As they are made
from steel it is difficult for someone to kick
them down or simply cut through them. They
ce?taiYly caYt get iY ?uietly uYless you hae
skiwped oY the secu?ity hiYges. But it is
possible for a steel door to be dented and you
will need to know how to complete steel doors
repair. This can save you a great deal of money
while retaining the integrity of your door. You
may wonder why it is necessary but a dented steel
door does more than look scruffy. It attracts
unwanted attention and becomes a target as it
appears weakened. To complete steel doors repair
you need to follow these steps Remove the
door Youll Yeed to lift the doo? off its hiYges
o? uYsc?e? it, depeYdiYg upoY ?hat time of hinges
you have. You will then be able to lay it flat on
a good work surface. This is important to ensure
you get a smooth finish on your steel doors
repair. Remove the Paint The next step is to
remove the paint or any other covering layer so
that you have access to the dent and the steel is
exposed. It is easiest to complete this stage
with an electronic sander. Filling It You can
now mix some standard vehicle filler. Yu can buy
this ready to use or you might need to mix it
yourself. Once you have it ready simply push it
firmly into the dent. You do not want to fill the
dent past the original door level. In fact it is
best to add several layers as each layer dries.
This will ensure you get the finish as close to
the original door level as possible. It is much
easier to add more filler than it is to remove
lumps and this stuff hardens quickly. Keep the
filler level with the door. Sanding Once the
filler has set you can lightly sand it to ensure
it matches the finish level of the door. It
generally takes approximately 30 minutes for the
filler to harden enough to sand. Finishing Once
you have sanded the door and got the filler level
with the door finish you can prime the filled
area. This will protect it from damp and other
environmental factors which could cause the door
to start rusting.
2You will then need to repaint the door. It is not
advisable to complete your steel doors repair by
just painting the primer, the join line will
always be visible. Instead you need to paint the
entire door to provide a uniform finish. Once
this has dried you will be able to re-hang the
door and no one will ever know where the dent
was! One tip worth remembering is that if the
dent is in the bottom couple of inches a repair
is not necessary just fit a kick board
instead. Article Source http//metalaqua.com/ho-