Title: Get Out of Your Own Way!
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3- This is the question I pose with many of my
clients who are unsure of their next career move.
You would be surprised how many people get stuck
on that question. Not because they don't know
what they want (in some cases this is true but
not all), but because most plan to pursue a
career path that they have been on because it
makes sense. Many people think they should keep
going in their particular field of work because
they have been in this field/role for many years
and it makes sense to keep going. But why? If you
enjoy the career that you are in, then perfect.
Keep going. However, many people don't enjoy
their jobs (as per many researches and studies
that have been done on this topic), so how come
we don't stop and ask ourselves this question?
For many that I speak with, they don't event put
that as an option, it often gets left behind as a
dream they will never achieve.
4- Why not? I understand that are many uncertainties
that comes with such change. Maybe one doesn't
the necessary qualifications or background. Or
maybe it will take longer for one to change
careers vs staying in the comfortable one he or
she has now. There is a possibility of
demotion or salary cut as well. All of these are
trade offs that one must consider when changing
careers, absolutely. Nonetheless, what would you
be willing to trade off to pursue your true
passion instead being in a job you don't enjoy?
Why don't we just get out of our own way and go
for what we really love doing? I believe we are
our biggest obstacles to success and we need to
get on our own side instead of being the blocker.
I don't mean you should quit your day job and go
for a pursue a startup company (or do! depending
on your situation, of course), but what I mean is
start taking small steps towards what it is that
you really want to in this life. If you are
missing qualifications, then maybe look into
getting those if you are missing experience,
then get experience in that field (volunteer if
needed). Do what you need to do but just start!
5- Don't limit yourself because you feel you should
stay in a particular field just because you have
been in this field for many years. I understand
that there responsibilities that all of us have
however, changing careers and pursuing your
passion doesn't necessarily mean a pay cut or a
struggle. Often enough you are able to use your
past experiences/education and transferable
skills in your dream career. I don't know about
you, but I have never met anyone who regretted
pursuing their passion. However, I meet plenty of
people who regret staying in a job they don't
enjoy for longer than they should have.
6Don't limit yourself because you feel you should
stay in a particular field just because you have
been in this field for many years. I understand
that there responsibilities that all of us have
however, changing careers and pursuing your
passion doesn't necessarily mean a pay cut or a
struggle. Often enough you are able to use your
past experiences/education and transferable
skills in your dream career. I don't know about
you, but I have never met anyone who regretted
pursuing their passion. However, I meet plenty of
people who regret staying in a job they don't
enjoy for longer than they should have.
7So you want to apply for a job The people I meet
with to discuss career goals are often looking to
change jobs/move to another company. The first
question they ask me is "How can I improve my
CV?" To which I come back with "It depends." What
does it depend on? The following
8- What roles are you applying for and why?
- What skills can you highlight to help you get
your CV recognized for a specific role? - What companies are you interested in?
- What industry? (every industry has a different
way to present CVs) - Are you changing career paths or staying within
the same field? - What is your motivation for changing jobs?
9Before you even begin creating a CV, you should
start with doing research about the
roles/companies you are interested in, reaching
out to people (to be covered in another post) who
are doing the hiring to conduct informational
interviews, using your network to get information
and connect, and gathering related information.
Only after understanding what you want and why,
what you have to offer to companies, and a
strategy of how to do it, can you proceed with
adjusting your CV. Otherwise, even if I get you
in front of an employer of your choice, unless
you know what they need and what you can offer to
them, you will not get the job.
10Feel free to reach out to me for any guidance or
questions. Steve Dalton does a great job
summarizing the job search and how it do it
effectively in his book "2 Hour Job Search." I
highly recommend you read his book if you are
looking for a job. He provides a step by step
process on how to conduct a successful job search.
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